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Posts posted by Cillo

  1. Full disclosure: I'm very new to scripting - I know I'm probably not doing things the most efficient way, so any tips will be warmly welcomed!


    I'm making an Exile WWII zombie server using Ravage zombies. The built-in ambient spawner for Ravage works okay, but I wanted to add greater variety in uniforms, loot, etc, so tried to write something myself. As disclosed above, this isn't my strong suit at all. 


    I want the script to trigger at certain locations. I'd got in mind that I'd create an array (called _trgPos) that would hold the positions and radii of each trigger then create each trigger in a loop. This is what I've got so far: 

    _trgpos =  [ 
        [[7365.57,2201.88,0],200], // A
        [[6422.59,2424.74,0],200]  // B
     pos = _x select 0; 
     _rad = _x select 1; 
     _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", pos, true]; 
     systemChat format["Creating trigger at %1",pos];
     _trg setTriggerArea [_rad, _rad, 0, false, _rad]; 
     _trg setTriggerActivation ["GUER", "PRESENT", true]; 
     _trg setTriggerStatements ["this", "null = [pos] execVM 'zombiespawner.sqf'; systemChat format['Spawning zombies at %1',pos];", ""]; 
    } forEach _trgpos;

    It's meant to pass pos to the script, which then causes the zombies to spawn when an Exile player enters the area. 

    What actually happens is both triggers are created at their correct location, but when either A or B trigger is activated, the zombies spawn at the location of B. I've seen it works like this in 3DEN or when executed on the server. 


    It seems that B's location is being passed to the script on both triggers. 


    Have I missed something basic? Any insight anyone could offer would be fantastic! 


    (Including zombiespawner.sqf in case it's useful):

    _location = _this select 0;
    // Uniforms, headgear, loot, etc. omitted.
    _group0 = createGroup civilian; 
    _walkers = 10;
    _runners = 5;
    _bolters = 5;
    _zeds = [];
    while {_walkers > 0} do
    	pos = [_location,0,150,1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    	//systemChat format["Passing %1 to spawner...",pos];
    	_unit1 = _group0 createUnit ["zombie_walker",pos,[],0,"FORM"]; 
    	_unit1 setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false]; 
    	//_unit1 switchMove "Babe_climbOnHer_pst";   
    	//uisleep 2.5;  
    	removeUniform _unit1;   
    	_unit1 forceAddUniform selectRandom _uniforms;   
    	if (random 1 > 0.5) then   
    		_unit1 addVest selectRandom _headgear;    
    		if (random 1 > 0.98) then
    			_unit1 setFace "rvg_no_face";
    	_unit1 addVest selectRandom _vests;   
    	_unit1 addItemToVest selectRandom _randItems;
    	if (random 1 > 0.95) then
    		_unit1 addBackpack selectRandom _backpacks;
    		_unit1 addItemToBackpack selectRandom _randItems;
    	_unit1 setVariable["ExileMoney",round(random 20),true]; 
    	_zeds pushBack _unit1;
    	_walkers = _walkers - 1;
    while {_runners > 0} do
    	pos = [_location,0,150,1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    	_unit1 = _group0 createUnit ["zombie_runner",pos,[],0,"FORM"]; 
    	_unit1 setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false]; 
    	//_unit1 switchMove "Babe_climbOnHer_pst";   
    	//uisleep 2.5;  
    	removeUniform _unit1;   
    	_unit1 forceAddUniform selectRandom _uniforms;   
    	if (random 1 > 0.5) then   
    		_unit1 addVest selectRandom _headgear;    
    		if (random 1 > 0.98) then
    			_unit1 setFace "rvg_no_face";
    	_unit1 addVest selectRandom _vests;   
    	_unit1 addItemToVest selectRandom _randItems;
    	if (random 1 > 0.95) then
    		_unit1 addBackpack selectRandom _backpacks;
    		_unit1 addItemToBackpack selectRandom _randItems;
    	_unit1 setVariable["ExileMoney",round(random 20),true]; 
    	_zeds pushBack _unit1;
    	_runners = _runners - 1;
    while {_bolters > 0} do
    	pos = [_location,0,150,1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    	_unit1 = _group0 createUnit ["zombie_bolter",pos,[],0,"FORM"]; 
    	_unit1 setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false]; 
    	//_unit1 switchMove "Babe_climbOnHer_pst";   
    	//uisleep 2.5;  
    	removeUniform _unit1;   
    	_unit1 forceAddUniform selectRandom _uniforms;   
    	if (random 1 > 0.5) then   
    		_unit1 addVest selectRandom _headgear;    
    		if (random 1 > 0.98) then
    			_unit1 setFace "rvg_no_face";
    	_unit1 addVest selectRandom _vests;   
    	_unit1 addItemToVest selectRandom _randItems;
    	if (random 1 > 0.95) then
    		_unit1 addBackpack selectRandom _backpacks;
    		_unit1 addItemToBackpack selectRandom _randItems;
    	_unit1 setVariable["ExileMoney",round(random 20),true]; 
    	_zeds pushBack _unit1;
    	_bolters = _bolters - 1;
    while {count _zeds > 0} do
    		_distance = position _x distance position player;
    		_zed = _x;
    		if ({_x distance _zed > 450} count allPlayers > 0) then
    			if (alive _zed) then
    				deleteVehicle _x;
    		if (!alive _x) then
    			_zeds = _zeds - [_x];
    		sleep 1;
    	} forEach _zeds;



  2. I know it's been a while since anyone posted here, but I thought I'd ask anyway. 


    I've got (most of) these scripts working on my Exile server, but one feature that doesn't seem to work correctly is the flashbang. If you stand on it when it goes off, you do indeed get flashed, but the entire server gets flashed too. Any ideas why this might be happening? It's an awesome feature to have, but I can't really have people trolling the entire server just for the hell of it...


