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About Roberior

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  1. I believe this feature could improve the current situation of the game, many players have difficulties to download modifications and load them in the game to play on modified servers. Do you think it's worth making this change in arma 3 or implementing this feature in a future game?
  2. Try this: 0 = [] spawn { fnc_test = { Private _idc = ctrlIDC (_this select 0); Private _selectedIndex = _this select 1; Private _itemToRemove = lbData [_idc, _selectedIndex]; (findDisplay 602) closeDisplay 1; _itemToRemove spawn {sleep 0.1; player removeItem _this}; false }; while {true} do { waitUntil {Sleep 0.1; !isNull (findDisplay 602)}; hint "Double Click on Item to Remove"; { ((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl _x) ctrlSetEventHandler ["LBDblClick", "_this call fnc_test"]; } ForEach [619,633,638]; waitUntil {Sleep 0.1; isNull (findDisplay 602)}; }; };
  3. I wrote a radio script for vehicles, but only those who execute the script can listen to the music, the expected would be everyone inside the vehicle could hear. I already researched how to use RemoteExec and other methods, but I was unable to reach my goal. Anyone Have Any Ideas On How Can I Do This? 'Sorry, I used Google Translate'