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About -MasterLobster-

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  1. -MasterLobster-

    [WIP] Proyecto EA

    Incredible work SantaFe!
  2. -MasterLobster-

    [WIP] Proyecto EA

    I was talking about the loss of progress but ok. I guess it's my fault for not making a quote.
  3. -MasterLobster-

    [WIP] Proyecto EA

    Damn, sorry to hear that
  4. -MasterLobster-

    [WIP] Proyecto EA

    The amount of effort and attention to detail in everything you make is amazing.
  5. -MasterLobster-

    [WIP] Proyecto EA

    Outstanding. I love how things are coming along.
  6. -MasterLobster-

    [WIP] Proyecto EA

    Looking great as alwas. Can't wait to see one of those in a mission.
  7. -MasterLobster-

    [WIP] Proyecto EA

    I really can't wait, it's really exciting to see those vehicles in the game, they look so professional! It is clear you've put a lot of effort and passion into them.