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Everything posted by DerToXXic

  1. Hello, I'm building a mission for myself and 7 friends. I want a helicopter to take off only when all 8 units are in the helicopter or not controlled by players. My current condition in the waypoint is the following ((!isPlayer p1) OR (p1 in heli1)) AND ((!isPlayer p2) OR (p2 in heli1)) AND ((!isPlayer p3) OR (p3 in heli1)) AND ((!isPlayer p4) OR (p4 in heli1)) AND ((!isPlayer p5) OR (p5 in heli1)) AND ((!isPlayer p6) OR (p6 in heli1)) AND ((!isPlayer p7) OR (p7 in heli1)) AND ((!isPlayer p8) OR (p8 in heli1)) But it didn't works. Can somebody help me?
  2. It works. Thank you. Saved my day 😂
  3. test is the player controlled unit with the zeus function. But I have the same problem when I try it without the test unit
  4. Yes, this is my unit with zeus for testing all of the mission
  5. No, doesn't work. Heli stays on ground.
  6. The helicopter lands now precisely on the helipad but he doesn't take off when the AI is turned off. What I mean is that the 8 playable units are not controlled by AI. But the helicopter should take of for example if unit 8 is not played by a player and not controlled by AI. Is this possible?
  7. All 8 units are in one group. The pilot is not playable. No, the helicopter is not flying. He take off when all enemies in a area are dead and should pick up the players.
  8. Can you send me your mission with the waypoints and the helicopter. I tried it with a land waypoint, a load waypoint and with scripts but nothing worked. EDIT: I'm an idiot. Your way works very well. But I disabled the AI. But when I noticed that, I decided not to use the AI for the unused slots. Is there a way to check whether a slot is not being used at all and thus to take it out of the condition so that only occupied units have to go into the helicopter?
  9. Okay, I paste in your condition but it didn't work. The helicopter isn't starting. I've made two screenshots with my waypoints. https://prnt.sc/rjxtwg https://prnt.sc/rjxu2i
  10. When I write in the waypoint condition I get the error: Error invalid number in expression
  11. The code would be the following, right? ((p1 !in allPlayers) or (p1 in heli1)) AND ((p2 !in allPlayers) or (p2 in heli1)) AND ((p3 !in allPlayers) or (p3 in heli1)) AND ((p4 !in allPlayers) or (p4 in heli1)) AND ((p5 !in allPlayers) or (p5 in heli1)) AND ((p6 !in allPlayers) or (p6 in heli1)) AND ((p7 !in allPlayers) or (p7 in heli1)) AND ((p8 !in allPlayers) or (p8 in heli1))
  12. I have now tested a few things. The problem is not the waypoint, but !IsPlayer. If I execute (isPlayer p1) in a trigger and there is a message on Activation, it will be displayed without problems. However, if I execute ((!isPlayer p1) or (!isPlayer p2)) and only p1 is occupied by a player, the message is not displayed. If I am not mistaken then !isPlayer will trigger the error. Is there another way to query if a unit is NOT a player? PS: Sorry for my bad english.
  13. Hello, i wanted to add a missionchange menu with addaction for all admins on the server. (Only admins are blufor) Now I have this script but it doesn't works... Can somebody help me with this? //--- Player init function missionchange_TDM01 = { serverCommand "#login swfadminswf"; waitUntil { serverCommand "#mission TDM_01.Altis" }; serverCommand "#logout"; }; waitUntil { !isNull player }; missionchange_TDM02 = { serverCommand "#login swfadminswf"; waitUntil { serverCommand "#mission TDM_02.Altis" }; serverCommand "#logout"; }; waitUntil { !isNull player }; missionchange_TDM03 = { serverCommand "#login swfadminswf"; waitUntil { serverCommand "#mission TDM_03.Altis" }; serverCommand "#logout"; }; waitUntil { !isNull player }; missionchange_Training = { serverCommand "#login swfadminswf"; waitUntil { serverCommand "#mission SWF_Training.Altis" }; serverCommand "#logout"; }; waitUntil { !isNull player }; //--- Add player action menu if (side player == west) then { sleep 1; menu = [ [ "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\eject_ca.paa' /> <t color='#E6731A'>Mission wechseln</t>", {}, [], -1, false, false, "", "" ], [ [ "TDM 01", { call missionchange_TDM01 }, [], -1, false, false, "", "" ], [ "TDM 02", { call missionchange_TDM02 }, [], -1, false, false, "", "" ], [ "TDM 03", { call missionchange_TDM03 }, [], -1, false, false, "", "" ], [ "SWF Training's Mission", { call missionchange_Training }, [], -1, false, false, "", "" ] ], ]; [ menu, player, false, 5, [ true, true, true, false ] ] call LARs_fnc_menuStart; };
  14. DerToXXic

    Mission change with addaction

    How do I make the server authoritative? Unfortunately, I have no idea in this area.
  15. DerToXXic

    Mission change with addaction

    What do you mean with this? Sorry for my late answer but I hadn't the time for scripting in the last days.
  16. Hello, I'm wanted to make a interaction menu on every vehicle witch is spawned with Zeus. In the menu should be a repair button. Can somebody help me how I can do this?
  17. Hello, I have an TDM Mission and I have a Trigger witch teleports player to there spawn when they are out of map. But it doesn't work. It do nothing. //teleport/opfor.sqf _tele = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _caller setPos (getpos (opforspawn)); //opforspawn is an marker name //"teleport/blufor.sqf" _tele = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _caller setPos (getpos (bluforspawn)); //bluforspawn is an marker name //Trigger //Condition !(player in thislist) //On Activation if (side player == west) then { sleep 1; execVM "teleport\blufor.sqf"; }else{ execVM "teleport\opfor.sqf"; };
  18. DerToXXic

    Mission change with addaction

    Works for me too.. My bad... Can I make a file for the whitelist? Because I have to edit every mission when we have a new admin...
  19. DerToXXic

    Mission change with addaction

    Doesn't works params[ "_player", "_oldUnit" ]; _whiteList = ["76561198094190845","76561198137940548","76561198073926928","76561198175437134","76561198155468044"]; // enter ID's here //if on respawnOnStart OR uid not in whitelist - exit if ( isNull _oldUnit || { !( getPlayerUID _player in _whiteList ) } ) exitWith {}; _menu = [ [ "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\eject_ca.paa' /> <t color='#E6731A'>Mission wechseln</t>", {}, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ], [ [ "TDM 01", { [ "TDM_01.Altis" ] remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_changeMission", 2 ] }, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ], [ "TDM 02", { [ "TDM_02.Altis" ] remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_changeMission", 2 ] }, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ], [ "SWF Training's Mission", { [ "SWF_Training.Altis" ] remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_changeMission", 2 ] }, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ] ] ]; [ _menu, _player, false, 5, [ true, true, true, false ] ] call LARs_fnc_menuStart;
  20. DerToXXic

    Mission change with addaction

    I'm using this script in my OnPlayerRespawn.sqf but the Menu doesn't visible... _whiteList = ["76561198094190845","76561198137940548","76561198073926928","76561198175437134","76561198155468044"]; // enter ID's here waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""}; _id = getPlayerUID player; if (_id in _whiteList) then { sleep 1; _menu = [ [ "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\eject_ca.paa' /> <t color='#E6731A'>Mission wechseln</t>", {}, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ], [ [ "TDM 01", { [ "TDM_01.Altis" ] remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_changeMission", 2 ] }, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ], [ "TDM 02", { [ "TDM_02.Altis" ] remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_changeMission", 2 ] }, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ], [ "SWF Training's Mission", { [ "SWF_Training.Altis" ] remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_changeMission", 2 ] }, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ] ] ]; [ _menu, player, false, 5, [ true, true, true, false ] ] call LARs_fnc_menuStart; }else{ exitWith {}; };
  21. DerToXXic

    Mission change with addaction

    In my TDM Missions I need to make a UID reqest because everybody can join the Blufor Slots. But when I make a UID reqest it doesn't works. _whiteList = ["76561198094190845","76561198137940548","76561198073926928","76561198175437134","76561198155468044"]; // enter ID's here waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""}; _id = getPlayerUID player; if (_id in _whiteList) then { sleep 1; _menu = [ [ "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\eject_ca.paa' /> <t color='#E6731A'>Mission wechseln</t>", {}, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ], [ [ "TDM 02", { [ "TDM_02.Altis" ] remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_changeMission", 2 ] }, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ], [ "TDM 03", { [ "TDM_03.Altis" ] remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_changeMission", 2 ] }, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ], [ "SWF Training's Mission", { [ "SWF_Training.Altis" ] remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_changeMission", 2 ] }, [], -1, false, false, "", "_target isEqualTo _this" ] ] true }else{ exitWith {}; }; ]; [ _menu, player, false, 5, [ true, true, true, false ] ] call LARs_fnc_menuStart; Sorry for my bad English... German ;)
  22. DerToXXic

    Mission change with addaction

    @Larrow When the admin doesn't logged in, it won't be use the servercommandpassword to make the mapchange. Can you change it? //EDIT: I changed it. Works fine...
  23. DerToXXic

    Mission change with addaction

    Yes, I have a Admin and a serverCommandPassword. Is it possible to make a master addAction, and the mapchange as second menu? So you can open the mastermenu and then you have the mapchanges.
  24. DerToXXic

    Mission change with addaction

    if (side player == west) then { sleep 1; { _mapName = _x select 0; _mapID = _x select 1; player addAction [format ["Map: %1", _mapName], { serverCommand format ["#mission %1", _mapID]; // server commands... // etc... // when loading the map, pass the argument _mapID }, _mapID, 0, false, false, "", ""]; // or use [_mapID, _blah] for multiple arguments (if needed) } forEach [["TDM 01", "TDM_01.Altis"], ["TDM 02", "TDM_02.Altis"], ["TDM 03", "TDM_03.Altis"], ["SWF_Training", "SWF_Training.Altis"]]; }; Is it right or did I have to make an admin login before the Mapchange?