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Everything posted by JezuzChraist

  1. So we had our unit and it worked on our server, but after changing the insignia (and everything else About the unit) it would not show up on our uniforms etc anymore. The Problem exists for everyone, no matter if in our unit or not. We have since often changed it, however it still doesn't work. When in zeus and making whatever player who is in our unit editable (we are running ace) a error window Shows up saying that it could not read xy from xy. I have already checked the folder deleted the file etc, still didn't get it working. Any help would be appreciated!
  2. JezuzChraist

    Unit insignia not working after changing it

    Thanks, I tried it but it did not work. Not on the official Servers and not on our server. We have created another unit and it does not work with the new one as well. Not on the official servers and also not on our server.
  3. JezuzChraist

    Unit insignia not working after changing it

    No, we are all on Windows. Here is the path: C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Arma 3\Units\MyUnit\XY.paa Well, I meant that even people who weren't in our unit could not see our Insignia on us.