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Posts posted by Sightline

  1. On 10/13/2022 at 3:16 PM, Jackal326 said:

    ... I don't want to lie on the floor of my room to go prone in a video game...

    Why in the world is everyone getting caught up with this? DCS is a sitting VR sim, it doesn't require me to build a G-force simulator or any nonsense like that. You just sit there, like normal, except you see with depth.












  2. On 5/23/2022 at 8:16 AM, britforce said:

    Arma and VR, just doesn't seem to be a match.


    Why?, because you said so?


    I don't know what's up with the anti-VR shilling, but MSFS 2020 renders any part of the planet as you fly along. Furthermore motion controllers would be fine I guess, but I'll be seated when playing just like I do in DCS.

  3. I have about 3200 hours in Arma III but I stopped playing after getting a VR headset because the immersion from VR is a billion times better than looking at a flat screen. The devs need to grab a HP Reverb or Varjo headset.


    On 5/19/2022 at 2:06 PM, Team SFS said:

    We need to throw ideas on how to implement it

    I don't think anything needs to be changed really, menus in DCS are mostly the same regardless if you're in VR or not.

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