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Everything posted by DeezHuts

  1. So I want ai to say things on trigger. Not any custom sounds, just stuff that's already in game. Like "negative" or "running low on ammo". Where would I find the complete list (with all the in game voices and languages)? And what is the command anyway?
  2. There used to be a way (before 3den) to simply attach waypoints to buildings, with specified positions (like pos1, pos5) and make ai effectively patrol inside a building. Like all good things, it didn't last and was removed. So is there an easy way to do such a patrol now? If I put regular waypoints in a building, ai will do anything but that and will go anywhere but where I want.
  3. DeezHuts

    Make ai say things

    Well the first thing I did was going to the community wiki, those commands are for custom .ogg files. I want ai's to say things that they already say all the time. This sound browser has none of those. Extract PBOs? Yeah, there has to be an easyer way.
  4. So I want players (in MP) to respawn an a position of death BUT also choose their loadouts and it doesn't work. If I set it like on the pic, it says respawn disabled on the green button. Players can respawn where they got killed but with vanila loadout. Or can choose loadouts set by zeus but only respawn on custom position and I want BOTH. So why doesn't it work and how to make it work?