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About Rabblt

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  1. I've been struggling with this error for weeks even months trying to update my mod and I haven't been able to figure anything out... Things I've tried: Starting Publisher and Steam as admin ✔️ Changing the location of my mod ✔️ Changing my mod name ✔️ Making sure there are no special characters anywhere ✔️ Changing and/or removing the description completely ✔️ Changing and/or removing the Change Log completely ✔️ Removing the meta.cpp file from my mod ✔️ Removing the non - necessary lines within the meta.cpp file ✔️ Contacting Steam Support ✔️ Smashing my pc with a hammer ✔️ Making sure the keys are all up-to-date and signed ✔️ I'm running out of ideas... Please help me!
  2. Rabblt

    UAV Greyhawk Bug (?)

    Apparently it's a problem with not having the Tanks DLC...
  3. I would like to know if anyone else is having this bug or if someone could help me fix mine... but as of the update with the Tanks DLC coming in, I'm not able to switch to any weapons when I'm connected to the Greyhawk drones...I've tried restarting Arma, re-downloading Arma, verifying cache...and nothing worked. I could use the laser just fine and the turret works completely fine, but I can't switch to the weapons when I have the GBUS on the drones. Any info on this matter will do... Thanks!