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Posts posted by Marvinn2002

  1. Coordenadas Perdidas/Lost Coordinates




    Mission Summary

    The CIA finded corruption cases envolving Japan and Pharmaceutical Industries. The President of USA ordered a spy group to get some information about the cases and finded ghost accounts from Japan.

    After few months, CIA reached the conclusion that Japan is making a new virus to sell the cure, trying to be a new superpower country.

    The President sends now 4 operators to attack the secret japan base.



    • COOP/SP 1-4
    • 55 Bots around the map
    • Difficulty: Hard/Medium
    • Patrols
    • Originals Scripts made by me
    • Open-Source Mission
    • 1~3 Hours of Operation




    Credits and License

    Anyone can uses the scripts from this mission for commercial or usual purposes.
    Mission delivered for: Herbert Silveira

  2. 16 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

    Thanks Marvinn2002 for this mission !


    As i see is the first , so GOOD start !

    ( TIP: Click to follow your topic ! )

    Thanks George, I wish create more maps with of nice addons like this!
    And thanks for this tip, i supposed has a notification to send me everytime when semeone answer the post.

    • Like 1

  3. Thats my new mission using the amazing mod OPERATION: TREBUCHET!
    Mission download Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1431489100


    Mission Summary

    The city of Iberius was governed by UNSC, a city with high technology and great economic development... Then was being invaded by the insurgents, implating a socialist dictatorship on it!

    Insurgents have put a severe crackdown on the region's residents, causing "disappearances" and torture to eradicate the faith by the UNSC that they will return.

    The dictators attempted to invade the airport, but were unsuccessful. Some informants have notified that they will have a new operation to take complete control of the island!

    Your mission is to take ownership back from the city departing from the airport.
    And take care! Anything can happen.



      • COOP 10-20(Minimum 10 e Maximum 20)
      • 65+ bots around the map
      • Capturable areas
      • Random patrols
      • Intrusion and defense of territory

    I recommend these mods for more immersion:

    Task Force Radio
    Enhanced Movement




    Bohemia Interactive for this game

    • Like 1

  4. Thanks man, can you help me in this question about AI Spawn Module??


    Im trying to spawn AI with some custom loadouts with this system.

    What i did?

    I put in the expression this:

    group execVM "loadoutIA.sqf";


    params[ "group", "module", "groupData" ];
    waitUntil {!isNull player};
    _unit = group select 0;
    /* Seleção Aleatória De Items */
    _cloth = ["pika","mao","legalize","lacoste1","flamengo","U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_4_F","U_C_Poloshirt_blue","U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_5_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;    //Select Random Cloth
    _hat = ["H_Cap_surfer","H_Cap_khaki_specops_UK","H_Bandanna_surfer","",""] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _vest = ["V_HarnessO_gry","V_TacVest_brn","V_TacVest_blk",""] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _backpack = ["CUP_B_Bergen_BAF","","",""] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _glass = ["G_Shades_Green","G_Shades_Blue","G_Shades_Red","G_Shades_Black","G_Bandanna_shades",""] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
      /* Remove Items */
    removeAllWeapons _unit;
    removeAllItems _unit;
    removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
    removeUniform _unit;
    removeVest _unit;
    removeBackpack _unit;
    removeHeadgear _unit;
    removeGoggles _unit;
    /* Add Items */
    _unit forceAddUniform _cloth;
    _unit addVest _vest;
    _unit addBackpack _backpack;
    _unit addHeadgear _hat;
    _unit addGoggles _glass;
    _unit addItemToUniform "ACE_EarPlugs";
    _unit addItemToUniform "TFAR_anprc152";
    _unit addItemToUniform "ACE_morphine";
    _unit addItemToUniform "ACE_salineIV_250";
    for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest "ACE_fieldDressing";};
    _unit linkItem "ItemMap";
    _unit linkItem "ItemCompass";
    _unit linkItem "ItemWatch";
    _unit linkItem "ItemRadio";
    _unit linkItem "ItemGPS";
    _unit setFace "PersianHead_A3_01";
    _unit setSpeaker "male01per";
    if(true) exitWith{};

    And the editor answers this error:


    Error: local variable in global space

    Do you know how to fix that??

    Thanks for the system.

  5. Im trying to create a AI Spawn Module, but i dont know how to put a condition between the Sector and Ai Spawn

    Im the practice is something about that example:

    BLUFOR captured Sector A>Sector A activate a AI spawn module for BLUFOR in the same area>OPFOR captured Sector B>Sector A removes the AI spawn module(but dont delete entire AI) and put AI OPFOR

    Someone knows how to do that?

    I don't have a idea to how implement that in Eden Editor

    • Like 1

  6. On ‎20‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 11:08 AM, Larrow said:


    _this execVM "Recompensa2.sqf"


    params[ "_sector", "_owner" ];
    if !( _owner isEqualTo sideUnknown ) then {
    	[5000,0] remoteExec [ "HG_fnc_addOrSubCash", _owner ];

    Think from memory that's correct that the expression is handled server side, i'll test later and update if its not the case

    Works fine in Editor, but when i put the mission on my Dedicated Server, dont works, you can do a code for this? I dont know how to do that.

  7. @Larrow

    16 hours ago, Larrow said:

    Do you want to add 700 to the side that captures a sector?


    16 hours ago, Larrow said:

    If so what is the sleep 600 for? do you want the reward to repeat every 10 mins a side holds the sector?

    sleep 600 is just for that.

    16 hours ago, Larrow said:


    When placing a sector there is a field in the editor called expression, when a side captures the sector the code in the expression is run passing the variables sector and side so this can be used to add cash when the sector is captured to the side that captures it.

    I put this in expression:

    [] execVM = "Recompensa2.sqf";


    And this in "Recompensa2.sqf":

    _private OwnerOfTheSector = ownerSide this;
    if (playerSide == OwnerOfTheSector) then {
         [5000,00] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash;

    Its not working and my debug dont answer anything about that

  8. Im creating a gamemode with sector controls and im using the SimpleShops to create money and shops.

    I created every sector correctly and put variables in LocationArea, calling ZonaCap1, ZonaCap2, ZonaCap3,...



    But now i tried to create the reward system with fuctions from SimpleShops:

    Add or sub cash
    [500,0] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; // Add 500 to cash
    [500,1] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; // Sub 500 from cash
    [500,0,1] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; // Add 500 to bank
    [500,1,1] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; // Sub 500 from bank

    And the system:

    _sideZonaCap1 = side ZonaCap1;
    if (_sideZonaCap1 == east) then{
         [700,0] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash;
    	 sleep 600.0;

    When i start the server, the area pull out my trigger and just stay a marker on my map

    I thinks the problem is the area of the sector...

    Someone knows how to fix that??


