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Posts posted by Harvath.S

  1. I am attempting to edit the Virtual Vehicle Spawner by Tonic to allow me to spawn only planes on the Nimitz carrier and only helicopters on the Atlas LHD.

    I have the code working 95% of the way I would like but I am running into an issue where planes will spawn on the LHD after I have spawned helicopters.

    A brief description of the code as I read it:
    Create the vehicle defined under _className earlier in the code on a previously determined position.

    Disable the damage of that vehicle.


    Check to see if there is a plane within five meters of the object named nimitz_pad_1 and select it.
    Check to see if there is a helicopter within five meters of the object named wasp_pad_1 and select it.

    Check to see if there is a helicopter within five meters of the object named wasp_pad_2 and select it.


    If there is not a plane within five meters of the object named nimitz_pad_1 then set the vehicle's direction and move it to the object named nimitz_pad_1.
    If there is a plane within five meters of the object named nimitz_pad_1 then set the vehicle's direction and move it to the object named nimitz_pad_2.


    If there is not a helicopter within five meters of the object named wasp_pad_1 then set the vehicle's direction and move it to the object named wasp_pad_1.
    If there is a plane within five meters of the object named wasp_pad_2 then set the vehicle's direction and move it to the object named wasp_pad_3.
    If there is a plane within five meters of the object named wasp_pad_1 then set the vehicle's direction and move it to the object named wasp_pad_2.

    _vehicle = _className createVehicle _position;
    _vehicle allowDamage false;
    _planeCheck = nearestObjects[nimitz_pad_1,["Plane"],5] select 0;
    _helCheck = nearestObjects[wasp_pad_1,["Helicopter"],5] select 0;
    _hel2Check = nearestObjects[wasp_pad_2,["Helicopter"],5] select 0;
    if (isNil "_planeCheck") then {_vehicle setDir _direction; _vehicle setPosASL (getPosASL nimitz_pad_1);}
        else {if (!isNil "_planeCheck") then {_vehicle setDir _direction + 180; _vehicle setPosASL (getPosASL nimitz_pad_2)}};
    if (isNil "_helCheck") then {_vehicle setDir _hel_dir; _vehicle setPosASL (getPosASL wasp_pad_1)};
    if (!isNil "_hel2Check")
        then {_vehicle setDir _hel_dir; _vehicle setPosASL (getPosASL wasp_pad_3);}
        else {if (!isNil "_helCheck") then {_vehicle setDir _hel_dir; _vehicle setPosASL (getPosASL wasp_pad_2)}};



    I'm beating my head into a wall on this one. I know it is something in the code but four people looking at it together couldn't sort out exactly what my issue it.

    Thanks in advance for the help!

  2. On 8/17/2020 at 9:15 AM, Dedmen said:

    whaaaaaaat the heck.

    You are running old TFAR, you could try if same happens on new TFAR https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894678801

    Also that modpack you linked seems to contain illegal mod reuploads to the workshop 🤔

    We're looking at making the flip soon, hopefully that takes care of it. Just thought you would like knowing about the crosstalk.

    As for the stuff in the pack - anything inside it is either created internally, added and uploaded with the proper permissions and authorizations from the authors, a mod that is outdated with an author nowhere to be found, or in a few cases a test version of a mod for the author before they push it globally. Our Server Shop makes sure nothing gets added that violates the EULA or the wishes of a mod author.

  3. Got a fun one for you, Dedmen.



    I have had issues with my radios not transmitting properly. in the last three weeks I was able to test it in a controlled environment last night and discovered the following issues.


    1. Long Range Radio hotkey activated and transmitted over the short range frequency.

    2. When LRR activated the SRR it toggled the mic hot - meaning that the radio kept transmitting incorrectly on the SRR, even though the Transmit button was not currently pressed, until I pressed the SRR Transmit hotkey - at which point it stopped transmitting.


    Control steps that were taken:

    1. A total uninstall and reinstall of all Arms 3 mods, the TFAR plugin, and TS3 (literally everything except Arma 3 itself, which underwent the local verification twice).

    2. Changed Transmit hotkeys to ensure that there was no digital signal interference.

    3. Attempted the same without a LRR.

    4. Attempted with changing TS Voice Activation through all three modes.


    A further explanation of the hotkey changes and setup I use:

    Primary SRR: Up

    Additional SRR: Down

    Primary LRR: Right

    Additional LRR: Left I

    have the arrow keys mapped to the side buttons on my mouse using the Logitech G Hub software.


    As a control measure I changed the transmit buttons to:

    SRR Primary: T

    LRR Primary: CAPS


    The issue persisted regardless of keybind. An interesting note is that when I put an LRR backpack on I would transmit over both LRR and SRR somehow - or at least, when I transmitted over the LRR with the backpack and I released the transmit button the SRR was already broadcasting.


    This is a link to all the mods my unit is running. I do not believe it is a mod issue as I am literally the only person in my unit (100ish) having said issue.


    ^^^ All other mods are shown as dependencies to this mod.


  4. 1 hour ago, opusfmspol said:

    I believe what .kju points out is that you have speech[]= looking for a game sound instead of a custom sound.

    In Conversations example, "\Sound\hello.ogg" represents using game sound, "Sound\gk.ogg" and "Sound\bold.ogg" represent using custom sounds.


    If that's not causing the issue, then have you tried with all mods disabled, not just ACRE?  First step to resolve whether mod conflict occurs.



    That was not the issue. The bikb file doesn't recognize the reference at all if it is not defined as /Sound.

    BUT! I got frustrated and decided that it HAD to be an issue with ACRE removing the itemRadio. So, I decided to try and force linking the itemRadio to the NPC speaking via my init file and BINGO!


    3 hours ago, Larrow said:

    Strange, I have never got conversations using KB and bikb to play( create sound ) without the unit having a radio. Text will always show without radio, but sound will never play.


    For instance THIS example mission. Remove the radio from informat and he will behave as you describe, lip and text but no sound.

    You nailed it on the head here. Since I was able to force the linking of the radio it all works as expected!


    Thank you gentlemen for the help!

    • Like 2

  5. Does ACRE2 prevent scripts that rely on itemRadio from working correctly? I came across an issue of kbTell not working properly when running ACRE2. I assume it is because the itemRadio is blocked. Is there a way to unblock that so that I can add the itemRadio to the NPCs that I need to speak?


    You can reference this post to see the issue I am having.



    I discovered that you can still use variable linkItem "itemRadio"; in the init.sqf and force add it to the character.



    I deleted the texts.bikb, redefined the OGG file in the description.ext, and attempted to play it from three different sources (NPC, laptop, loudspeaker) using say3D. There is no audio at all.


    I am at a complete loss for what is happening now. cfgRadio continues to work (regardless of the fact the there is no itemRadio present {don't question it}) but kbTell and say3D are not.


    I would make the argument that my audio files are corrupt, but I can play them in literally any program that reads OGG without issue so I know that is not the case.


    I can pass everything through with cfgRadio and apologize to my players for it, but I would really prefer to figure out a way to make this dang thing happen, even if its a workaround. I will also scour the ACRE2 thread and see if anyone has had an issue with kbTell over there. Maybe they can provide some input.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Larrow said:

    Strange, I have never got conversations using KB and bikb to play( create sound ) without the unit having a radio. Text will always show without radio, but sound will never play.

    Now I am really messed up. I just went through and tested some of my other missions. Without fail not a single one of them is working anymore with kb.


    I wish it was as easy as adding radios back, but with ACRE2 removing the itemRadio I might be stuck between a rock and a hard place.


    Although, if the LIP file is working..... and it's just an issue with kbTell..... I could theoretically use say3D to play the audio and still let the bikb run the LIP file, could I not?

  8. 2 hours ago, .kju said:

    verify ogg format

    \sounds is relative path for mods

    try without lip file

    Check 1 and check 3, no change. Not sure I follow you about it being the relative path for mods. Does that mean it's not reading it because it's script? That doesn't make sense in my mind and also doesn't jive with the multiple other missions I have made using that same technique. Would you mind explaining further so I can grasp what you're saying there?


    1 hour ago, Larrow said:

    Does the unit have a radio?

    Yes. Not not the typical type. We use ACRE2 so it's an inventory item and not assigned to itemRadio. That's never caused an issue before, but I'll try it without ACRE2 loaded and see what happens. 

  9. I do something similar for the group of guys that I play with to emulate 'dwindling supplies' at the end of each mission. I use a trigger to report the contents of the crates containing our ammo and other supplies to the server.rpt right before the mission ends. I then can go through, pull those lines of code, and adjust the starting contents of the crates for the next mission. You could add the script to fire on a repeatable addAction or something similar. But it won't automatically update your crate, so it may not be the solution you are looking for.

    _ammo1 = getMagazineCargo ammo1;
    _ammo2 = getMagazineCargo ammo2;
    _ammo3 = getMagazineCargo ammo3;
    _ammo3_1 = getItemCargo ammo3;
    _med1 = getItemCargo med1;
    _med2 = getItemCargo med2;
    _med3 = getItemCargo med3;
    _med4 = getItemCargo med4;
    _med5 = getItemCargo med5;
    _food3 = getItemCargo food3;
    _food2 = getItemCargo food2;
    _food1 = getItemCargo food1;
    _drink1 = getItemCargo drink1;
    _drink2 = getItemCargo drink2;
    _dumpAmmo = getMagazineCargo dump1;
    _dumpItem = getItemCargo dump1;
    copyToClipboard str _ammo1;
    diag_log _ammo1;
    copyToClipboard str _ammo2;
    diag_log _ammo2;
    copyToClipboard str _ammo3;
    diag_log _ammo3;
    copyToClipboard str _ammo3_1;
    diag_log _ammo3_1;
    copyToClipboard str _med1;
    diag_log _med1;
    copyToClipboard str _med2;
    diag_log _med2;
    copyToClipboard str _med3;
    diag_log _med3;
    copyToClipboard str _med4;
    diag_log _med4;
    copyToClipboard str _med5;
    diag_log _med5;
    copyToClipboard str _food1;
    diag_log _food1;
    copyToClipboard str _food2;
    diag_log _food2;
    copyToClipboard str _food3;
    diag_log _food3;
    copyToClipboard str _drink1;
    diag_log _drink1;
    copyToClipboard str _drink2;
    diag_log _drink2;
    copyToClipboard str _dumpAmmo;
    diag_log _dumpAmmo;
    copyToClipboard str _dumpItem;
    diag_log _dumpItem;


  10. I have searched and searched and cannot find an answer to my problem. I've used kbTell pretty regularly in my mission making and never had an issue.


    This morning I added an OGG file to my Sound folder in a mission, made sure the LIP file was present, defined it in my texts.bikb file, and then added my script. When I activate the trigger my NPC's lips begin moving and the hint in the trigger (to ensure it fires) pops up. But..... No sound!


    I spent roughly two hours double checking my definitions, scripts, and the trigger to ensure that I hadn't missed a darned ';' anywhere. Nothing. 


    I will post my files when I get home (I am currently at work) but until that point; has anyone else had any issues with kbTell not playing the sound even though it's clearly reading and playing the LIP file? Is there something that I could be forgetting somehow based on my actions above?


    Thanks in advance for the help. 

    texts.bikb and my script controlling the kbTell are in the following spoilers.


    class Sentences
    	class brief_1
    		text = "";	//Subtitles
    		speech[] = {"\Sound\Mission_I_Havoc_6_Brief.ogg"};    //Path to the sound file
    		actor = "Havoc6";	//unit that is speaking
    		variant = "";
    		variantText = "";
    		class Arguments {};
    class Arguments{};
    class Special{};
    startWithVocal[] = {hour};
    startWithConsonant[] = {europe, university};




    Havoc6 kbAddTopic ["briefing","texts.bikb","",""];
    Havoc6 kbTell [havoc,"briefing","brief_1"];



  11. I've been searching the interwebs for the last couple of days and keep hitting a brick wall on this.

    I am attempting to get the contents of an ammo crate at the end of a mission so I can carry that over to the next and force the players to pay attention to the amount of rounds they are using and give them incentive to not waste ammo. I've tried getItemCargo and itemCargo and I keep getting an empty array. I am not trying to make it automatically save the contents because I really do not want to deal with a database for a single ammocrate.


    I have tried the following snippets in the debug console to test and continually get empty arrays.

    hint str itemCargo case1;
    hint str getItemCargo case1;
    hint str itemCargo _case1;
    hint str getItemCargo _case1;

    Does anyone have any ideas on what I am missing here? Again, I am just trying to be able to pull the contents of the crate so I can move them over to the next mission.

    Thanks in advance!


    EDIT: Dumb dumb me didn't think to use getMagazineCargo. All is now right in the world.

  12. On 3/23/2019 at 6:33 PM, sarogahtyp said:


    As KK told it depends.


    hasInterface will hit all machines where someone is playing at or can see the game (listen server or player clients)

    !hasInterface hits only machines where nobody can play on like headless clients and dedicated servers.

    isDedicated hits dedicated servers

    !isDedicated hit all but a dedicated server


    Therefore its depends on your purpose....


    And that is what always messes with my head.

    I am calling the script via an addAction through the init.sqf. It is a qualification range for four individuals at the same time, hence the four targets and four score variables.

    I am definitely getting caught on the *where* to run issue. I need it to run on whoever uses the addAction and the four players actually shooting.


    Is it best to have it run on all players on the server? The server itself? This is where I always run into issues with my scripts when it comes to putting them on a dedicated server. No matter how much I dig into the wiki and try to understand it it goes over my head in regard what to use where.

  13. Would you believe that I talked myself out of trying the MP versions after reading through that other thread? Stupid me.

    Side bar: I changed that in the script and tested it. However, now my check I added in is not working. I would say it is because I am a terrible shot, but that's not it. Could it be because I am setting the damage on the targets to '0'?


    The wiki says:


     Does not fire when a unit is set to allowDamage false. However it will fire with "HandleDamage" EH added alongside stopping unit from taking damage (unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {0}];.


    Could the "setDamage 0;" that I am using be causing it to not take effect somehow? Or did I just type out that if/then/else code that poorly?

  14. I've been hitting my head against a wall for a few days trying to sort this issue. I have a script (see below) that I wrote for a firing range. It works perfectly in SP and on locally hosted servers. I am having issues with it on the dedicated server. I dug through the (recent) topic below and have attempted tweaks off of that to no avail.




    I feel like my issue is lying somewhere in the eventHandler not updating the score variables for some reason. I am not sure why it would be working on a local host and not dedicated.


    Below is the first snippet of the script down to where I added the first check to see if the EHs were working.


    if (isDedicated) then{};
    _inc     = 0;
    score1   = 0;
    score2   = 0;
    score3   = 0;
    score4   = 0;
    _targets = [p1,p2,p3,p4];
    _group   = 0;
    {_x  animate["terc",1]} forEach _targets;
    p1 addEventHandler ["Hit", {score1 = score1 + 1; publicVariable "score1";}];
    p2 addEventHandler ["Hit", {score2 = score2 + 1; publicVariable "score2";}];
    p3 addEventHandler ["Hit", {score3 = score3 + 1; publicVariable "score3";}];
    p4 addEventHandler ["Hit", {score4 = score4 + 1; publicVariable "score4";}];
    sleep 3;
    p1 animate["terc", 0];
    p2 animate["terc", 0];
    p3 animate["terc", 0];
    p4 animate["terc", 0];
    sleep 75;
    p1 setDamage 0;
    p2 setDamage 0;
    p3 setDamage 0;
    p4 setDamage 0;
    p1 animate["terc", 1];
    _inc = _inc +1;
    p2 animate["terc", 1];
    _inc = _inc +1;
    p3 animate["terc", 1];
    _inc = _inc +1;
    p4 animate["terc", 1];
    _inc = _inc +1;
    if (score1 == 5)  then {"Working" remoteExec ["systemChat"];} else {"Not working" remoteExec ["systemChat"];};



    Any help offered would be greatly appreciated. My head hurts and I'm afraid I'll dent my wall if I keep hitting it.

    PS. I am using the targetHumanSimple because it does not fall when it gets shot. I did this so the shooter has to observe the bullet strike and does not have a visual aide. I don't think this would make any difference but full disclosure is full disclosure.

  15. I just found your script and absolutely love the idea of convoys that don't suck. That being said.... I keep getting a script error when I try to start a convoy.

    The error says that line 34 of the ConvoyMove.sqf has an undefined variable "tank".

    That code snippet is:

    	if ((_x isKindOf "Tank") || (!isNull (gunner (vehicle _x))) ) then  // This is line 34
    		_arm_groups 	pushBack (group driver _x); 
    	    _arm_vehicles 	pushBack _x;

    Am I missing something somewhere to cause that issue?

  16. 13 minutes ago, CrazyCorky said:

    From what I've read what mentioned is the issue. And its not just with this mod.

    I haven't had any other issues so far other than this mod. But I fully believe that if they did truely update the signatures past v2 to a v3 signature that it would throw many mods out of wack. Especially with how little information I have been able to find about the signature update.

  17. Since the A3 1.86 update I am getting this error on my dedicated server.


    16:21:45 Warning Message: Files "C:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@3CB BAF Weapons\addons\rksl_attachments_core.pbo", "C:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@3CB BAF Weapons\addons\rksl_lds.pbo", "C:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@3CB BAF Weapons\addons\rksl_pm_525.pbo", "C:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@3CB BAF Weapons\addons\rksl_pm_ii.pbo", "C:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@3CB BAF Weapons\addons\rksl_rmr.pbo" are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys.


    I have updated the mod on the server and in the launcher. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the mod from my PC and from the server and continue to get the error. Everything worked flawlessly until the 1.86 update. I saw that they were updating the signatures for security, not sure if this could be where the issue lies.

  18. Thanks for the response!


    So should I change the say3D command over to a playSound3D instead?
    I thought since the init.sqf was executed on every client that the script would also execute that way, hence the use of say3D.

    But since that is not the case, using playSound3D, which executes on every computer on the network, should work.....



  19. I have searched both google and the forums for this and see a couple answers to this question that do not make sense to me.

    I have a couple different firing ranges for my unit that are run via script. They work correctly in both hosted and on the dedi with one small exception. The rangemaster - which is a recording of one of our members played in the script - only executes on the player that activated the firing range, even though the range itself is working for every player on the server. I am 100% sure that it is a locality issue, as the addAction that calls the sqf is located in the init.sqf of the mission. I keep finding answers that have things like this:

    [Computadora1, ['Disparar a Barco',{<your code here>}] ] remoteExec ["addAction",0,true];

    But I do not understand exactly what it all means as most people just provide a script and not an explanation of why it fixes the issues.

    My question is: how do I execute the addAction in game via remoteExec so that all players can both see the range and hear the rangemaster?

    Below is a snippet of my range code that involves the recordings - just to ensure that I haven't made a boneheaded error.





    laptop1        addAction ["Activate Range","Scripts\range4.sqf"];



    range4.sqf (partial)

    {_x  animate["terc",1]} forEach _targets;
    sleep 4;
    loud4 say3D "L1";
    loud5 say3D "L1";
    sleep 1;
    loud4 say3D "QR1";
    loud5 say3D "QR1";
    sleep 12;
    loud4 say3D "Hot";
    loud5 say3D "Hot";
    sleep 3;
    l4_200_1 animate["terc", 0];
    l4_200_2 animate["terc", 0];
    l4_200_3 animate["terc", 0];
    l4_200_4 animate["terc", 0];
    l4_200_5 animate["terc", 0];
    sleep 25;
    if (l4_200_1 animationPhase "terc" != 0) then {
    	_count = _count + 1;
    l4_200_1 animate["terc", 1];
    _inc = _inc +1;
    if (l4_200_2 animationPhase "terc" != 0) then {
    	_count = _count + 1;
    l4_200_2 animate["terc", 1];
    _inc = _inc +1;
    if (l4_200_3 animationPhase "terc" != 0) then {
    	_count = _count + 1;
    l4_200_3 animate["terc", 1];
    _inc = _inc +1;
    if (l4_200_4 animationPhase "terc" != 0) then {
    	_count = _count + 1;
    l4_200_4 animate["terc", 1];
    _inc = _inc +1;
    if (l4_200_5 animationPhase "terc" != 0) then {
    	_count = _count + 1;
    l4_200_5 animate["terc", 1];
    _inc = _inc +1;
    loud4 say3D "L1";
    loud5 say3D "L1";
    sleep 1;
    loud4 say3D "Cease";
    loud5 say3D "Cease";
    sleep 8;
    loud4 say3D "L1";
    loud5 say3D "L1";
    sleep 1;
    loud4 say3D "QR2";
    loud5 say3D "QR2";
    sleep 14;
    loud4 say3D "Hot";
    loud5 say3D "Hot";
    sleep 3;
    l4_200_1 animate["terc", 0];
    l4_200_2 animate["terc", 0];
    l4_200_3 animate["terc", 0];
    l4_200_4 animate["terc", 0];
    l4_200_5 animate["terc", 0];
    sleep 25;



    Thank you all in advance for the help!

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