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About Selkan

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  1. As the titel says, is their something in the community that makes so that ACE Medical have a third stage What i want to do is have if players take a certain amount of damage they behave like they are unconscious, they can't move and just lay on the ground but they don't have cardiac arrest. They will just lay and bleed out if they don't get treatment and enter cardiac arrest. So i want players to behave like they are wounded and lay on the ground screaming and getting treatment and all the role play that come's with it.
  2. Hi im from a new Swedish milsim clan, im writing new documents on how we use ACE3 medical system and i got a few questions on how ACE3 medical system work as the guide is a bit confusing on how it work when it reflect TCCC. It says that Morphine decreases the blood viscosity, do that affect how much blood a patient looses? And does it increase the risk that wounds open again?https://prnt.sc/i38ulf I have been thought in other clans that i have played in that CPR should only be performed after the bleeding has been stooped, makes sens but now when i set up guide on how we should work in treating a player i cant find anything to base that fact on, except that it only makes sens to stop the bleeding fast. Thank you for any answers! //Selkan Medic/Doctor (in ARMA)