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About gregfp66

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  1. Okay finally got it working Deleted and redownloaded everything and it works
  2. I've tried both demo mission and google drive version. i will retry again...
  3. Text message, when starting i dont even have starting message I use the one from google drive in starting post
  4. Well, even set up with only bluefor it doesnt seem to work on my end, i dont see why I didnt even modify the files from the test mission copy & paste. not working I'm even trying with full vanilla, no other mods
  5. Does this script/mod still work? I tried it and it doesnt work , i created a mission with a just a player squad Copied the description and ais scriptfile into mission folder (with mission sqf) When i shoot down a friendly (yes i know bad) he just die, no uncounscious etc.... (i didnt shot the head, just the legs) Test mission is working fine (tanoa one)
  6. Hey Mad_Cheese, or anyone for that matter Do you have any up to date invite for beta discord please?
  7. gregfp66

    Help for a lost mind

    Hello , i'm fairly new to arma 3 and mostly a single player due to connexion and others problems. So far i've played a bit of the campaign and a lot of the dynamic recon ops mods. But i'm bored and dont know what to do. Loved the dynamic mission. Maybe i should begin create simple mission/conflict with zeus or ares. I've heard about Alive, combat patrol a "liberation" mod that can be played in singleplayer. But between all that, i'm lost, i'm a big new even to editing materials, so i dont know where to begin. If you have any tips, guide that you can give me. It would be much appreciated. Thanks for your answer
  8. I know i'm late, but thank you all for your answer, will test it all, if you have any more tips dont hesitate
  9. Hello i'm looking for a good single player scenario generator, until now i know: -dynamic recon ops -dynamic combat ops -DUWS -ALIVE -DCG Are there any other generator that i miss?