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Everything posted by NilsSens

  1. NilsSens

    Web Version Bugs 1.4.1

    GAMEPLAY ISSUES Abrupt start of day didn't bother me too much, but yeah maybe cooler to have it fade in as well (reverse the night time animation?). (squash in web version looks like a green pepper or something) auto-stack ammo and other stuff when picking it up? Although having to manage inventory is kind of part of the whole experience... "No launched servers" for the MP version BUGS NPCs walk thru walls! These aren't bugs, but... FEATURE IDEAS (some based on the iOS version) Base building! Crops growing!! Make zombies climb thru windows & knock down doors. Make them "barricadeable" (hammer, nails, wood).Night time with the sound of zeds banging against them would be really creepy. some zed damage infectious: if no alcohol is rubbed on immediately, or no antibiotics taken soon, you mutate as well. Make vegetables and meat rot. Simply by keeping track of their ids & add 15% poisoning risk daily. ok in browser mode they don't last long enough for this to matter, but when crops growing is added, it would be cool. +25% poisoning risk for meat & +50% for cooked rice on day 2. +5% or none for bbq'd meat maybe? Secondary weapon!!! Being able to put stuff in your vehicle! taming dogs by dropping meat and stepping back but not too far would be pretty cool to have a bunch of them around you. Climbing hunter's platform makes viewport 'zoom out' a bit more! climb on top of tanks / apcs to use gun or what ammo is left would be the coolest thing ever! sprint there, jump on top, shoot at the hordes around you. Basic Character Stats would make this game epic (eg. getting hit 10 times gives you an armor point, killing 20 zeds with a weapon increases its dmg a bit, doing things repeatedly shortens the time etc etc). Zombie Siege mode (Multiplayer): onslaught of zeds from known direction, you and other players now have 10 minutes to get your place ready! Base building should be kept to a minimal, otherwise it would turn into some kind of strategy game. Companions would be cool tho: multiple lives, as they "live on to tell the story"?