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La Croxyy

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About La Croxyy

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    Private First Class

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  1. Fixed. Forgot a semicolon at one line and of course, my IDE does not report any errors(definitely will change IDE's). Thank you, everyone, for your help.
  2. @mrcurry I can't delete the latest post, the edit button is completely broken and doesn't respond.
  3. These didn't work either. Most likely an error I made. I'm going to check my code and see if I can get it to work if not, I'll come back 🙂
  4. _unit action ["eject", _Veh]; I have stumbled upon another problem, the command to move the selected player out of the vehicle doesn't work. Am I using the command wrong? Or is the problem somewhere else.
  5. Okay, thanks for the help. I'll see if that works now.
  6. La Croxyy

    Arma 3 Malden Screenshots

    Took these screenshots when the Orange update came out. Just found them on my hard drive, thought they would be pretty cool desktop backgrounds so here they are for anyone who wants them :)
  7. La Croxyy


    I don't believe BI have released the PAA files yet since it would be on Arma 3 Samples. Guess you will have to wait until it's released. :/
  8. I don't see iceman's comment, perhaps he has deleted it?
  9. @Grumpy Old Man It works but how would i proceed with making it only hold the class names of vehicles like, "Car","Air","Ship","Armoured" all in one array?
  10. The title pretty much explains it all. How would i proceed with getting the class names of vehicles in CfgVehicles and putting them into an array so i could add them to a listbox.