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Dazz C

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  1. Dazz C

    Web Version Bugs 1.4.1

    Could someone plz shed light as to why their is no base building or planting crops like tomatoes, zucchini ect on this browser version or even IF this current version 1.4.1 IS the current version or how to get current version ect as I am finding my survivability is high but their are no tents or ways of making the gameplay last longer i.e base building to stockpile weapons, ammo, food and drink ect! Also, unlike the mobile version, when you loot buildings it doesnt show you what the items are unless you pick them up?!?! All in all the mobile version seems to be better than the pc version and that SHOULDN'T be the case with ANY game!!! The equipment layout screen is better on mobile version, their is a targeting system on mobile version, you can base build and plant crops to be self sufficient, loot and gear seems easier to find and is labelled so you can see what it is before having to pick it up I mean WHY cant the devs include these features for the browser version too instead of us getting so far into the game, geared up as much as we can and then dying and having to start all over again its SO annoying!!! :(
  2. sorry its version 1.4.1 of mini dayz for pc browser that I have but the problems with no base building or crop planting still remains! :(
  3. Could someone plz shed light as to why theirs no base building or planting crops like tomatoes, zucchini ect on this browser version or even IF this is the current version 1.4.0 IS the current version or how to get current version ect as I am finding my survivability is high but their are no tents or ways of making the gameplay last longer i.e base building to stockpile weapons, ammo, food and drink ect :(