Hey thanks for the answer. I understand about dependency on the damage amount, but as i said in my case AI stays on the ground always same period (about 5 seconds). And im telling you about ragdoll not animated fall (for small hits live <0.2 with default settings). Example: (falltime setting is 0.2), AI gets small hit to arm and uses animated side fall, recovers rapidly and fires back - perfect. Then i shoot other targets aiming vital zones for more damage so the all fall (using ragdoll) but all recover in few seconds (about 5). Even if they got almost critical hit just a bit below treshold. I suspect that the reason is an animation (maybe self heal?) that "wakes up" a unit before the timer ends?
Also about minimum time you implemented in last version (sorry i have no time for playing now, but i'll test it as soon as i can!):
tpw_fall_falltime = 60; // Maximum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit. Animated fall: 0 to tpw_fall_falltime. Ragdoll fall: tpw_fall_falltime to 2x tpw_fall_falltime.
As i can understand there is already a minimum time (actual tpw_fall_falltime setting) in case of Ragdoll fall (for hits with damage>tpw_fall_threshold) while maximum time is a 2x of this setting right?
Then about a bleedout (tryed many times in editor made simple testing mission):
My setting is tpw_bleedout_ithresh = 0.70, lets say i got hit for some damage from AI cousing bleeding. My plan is to wait until my character passes out and get my squad medic to intervene... no way sir - after some time i get to death screen instantly.
My modlist: CBA_A3, TPW MODS, Blastcore edited standalone, Incon effects mod, JSRS SoundMOD, Enhanced movement, VCOM AI 2.92, Advanced AI command.
I tryed just with CBA_A3 + TPW MODS to exclude AI behaviour related mods possible conflicts with same result.
I'll send you my .hpp just in case but i feel like i have to try new version first :)
- plz excuse my grammar :P