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Everything posted by Gosran

  1. Hi, I'm in Korea and I really like this game. because this game is very very closer to real, better then any helicopters simulators. But something doesn't like real world. for example, 1. Torque Indicator's moving is very strange. 2. Magnetic Compass and Gyro Compass turning same way. 3. N2, NR rpm indicator has one needle(N2) 4. Cyclic stick trim step type moving. 5. Engine Oil Temperature are too fast increase when starting the engine. 6. When take controls to gunner, he doesn't touch any controls. but he can control the aircraft. I wanna fix upper items. But I most want is 1, 2, 3 items. About 1. Torque Indicator's moving is very strange. - Torque doesn't fast increase when starting the engine and moving idle to full open positions. - But in game, it increase to 80 psi. - And N2 rpm increase to 106 %rpm and swing while few seconds. About 2. Magnetic Compass and Gyro Compass turning same way. - In real world, Magnetic Compass turning reverse about Gyro Compass. (if aircraft turning right : Magnetic compass is turning left, Gyro compass is turning right) About 3. N2, NR rpm indicator has one needle(N2) - N2, NR needles are gone. - So when auto-rotation situation, N2/NR doesn't separate. I can't know when engine powered to Missions. About 4. Cyclic stick trim step type moving - In real world, Cyclic stick has trim motor, and it move linear. but in game it move step. - So when I use trim, it move doesn't natural About 5. Engine Oil Temperature are too fast increase when starting the engine. - I think this effect is for users. About 6. When take controls to gunner, he doesn't touch any controls. but he can control the aircraft. - ??? it is real... Thank you for reading. My English skills very low, so I wanna sorry about that. but I want to read and fix someday. Until then I'll play the game. lol