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About Luft08

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  1. I am making a multiplayer mission in which a player takes control of a convoy in order to give it waypoints. The convoy starts parked along a road. The problem I'm having is that when the player takes control some of the vehicles start moving. I have already set their formation to single file. I'm not sure why this is happening or how to stop it. My code should allow a player to take control of the convoy without interrupting the convoy's actions. I add a custom menu to whichever player has a particular object (Radio) and remove it when they relinquish it. Here is some of the code: // Important!! Run these on both client and server. // LFT_ConvoyControlFunctions.sqf /* * Function: LFT_AddConvoyMenu * Parameters: * _player - Object: The player to add the convoy control menu actions to. * Returns: * None * Description: * Adds custom menu actions to the player for transferring and removing convoy control. */ LFT_AddConvoyMenu = { params ["_player"]; // Check if convoy actions already exist private _existingActions = _player getVariable ["convoyActions", []]; if (count _existingActions > 0) exitWith {}; // Add convoy control actions private _transferActionId = _player addAction ["Transfer convoy control", { params ["_player"]; // Transfer control of the convoy to the player [_player] call LFT_TransferAIGroupToPlayer; }]; private _removeActionId = _player addAction ["Remove convoy control", { params ["_player"]; // Remove control of the convoy from the player [_player] call LFT_TransferControlBackToAI; }]; // Store the action IDs _player setVariable ["convoyActions", [_transferActionId, _removeActionId], true]; }; /* * Function: LFT_RemoveConvoyMenu * Parameters: * _player - Object: The player to remove the convoy control menu actions from. * Returns: * None * Description: * Removes all convoy-related custom menu actions from the player. */ LFT_RemoveConvoyMenu = { params ["_player"]; private _actionIds = _player getVariable ["convoyActions", []]; { _player removeAction _x; } forEach _actionIds; _player setVariable ["convoyActions", nil, true]; [_player] call LFT_TransferControlBackToAI; }; /* * Function: LFT_TransferAIGroupToPlayer * Parameters: * _player - Object: The player to transfer control to. * Returns: * None * Description: * Transfers control of the AI group to the player and makes the player the leader. */ LFT_TransferAIGroupToPlayer = { params ["_player"]; originalPlayerGroup = group _player; if (originalPlayerGroup == group convoyCommander) exitWith {}; // Transfer all units from the original group to the player's group (units originalCommanderGroup) joinSilent originalPlayerGroup; // Select the player as the leader of the new group originalPlayerGroup selectLeader _player; [originalPlayerGroup, _player] remoteExec ["selectLeader", groupOwner originalPlayerGroup]; }; /* * Function: LFT_TransferControlBackToAI * Parameters: * _player - Object: The player to transfer control from. * Returns: * None * Description: * Transfers control of the AI group back to the original AI leader and makes the original AI unit the leader. */ LFT_TransferControlBackToAI = { params ["_player"]; // Check if originalCommanderGroup is null and create a new group if necessary if (isNull originalCommanderGroup) then { originalCommanderGroup = createGroup west; }; { [_x] joinSilent originalCommanderGroup; } forEach units group _player; originalCommanderGroup selectLeader convoyCommander; [originalCommanderGroup, convoyCommander] remoteExec ["selectLeader", groupOwner originalCommanderGroup]; [_player] joinSilent originalPlayerGroup; [originalPlayerGroup, _player] remoteExec ["selectLeader", groupOwner originalPlayerGroup]; };
  2. I have an idea that I need to play around with. What if I create a bounding box around the traffic sign. Can I: 1. Create a bounding box around static terrain objects. 2. Get the static terrain object facing using a bounding box. I'll play around with it for a while.
  3. I have noticed that I cannot get the facing information for default traffic signs on a map. Are traffic signs that are placed on a map by default special? Do I need to use some other method (Not getDir Object) to get their facing direction? The command getDir for a default sign always returns 0.
  4. I want to spawn a convoy and then allow players to select any unit in that convoy they wish to play. I have a script that spawns a convoy that gets run in the initServer script. The LFT_CreateConvoy function uses BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle for each vehicle type which produce an array [vehicle, crewArray, group] which I pushBack into a global array LFT_Convoy: if(!isServer) exitWith {}; private _vehicleTypes = ["B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F", "B_Truck_01_ammo_F", "B_Truck_01_medical_F", "B_Truck_01_fuel_F", "B_Truck_01_Repair_F", "B_Truck_01_transport_F", "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"]; private _side = west; private _startPos = [11328.6,3241.32,0]; private _spacing = 25; private _direction = 304.631; LFT_Convoy = [_vehicleTypes, _startPos, _side, _spacing, _direction] call LFT_CreateConvoy; { // Extract the crew array from the current element of Lft_Convoy private _crewArray = _x select 1; // Iterate over each element in the crew array { // Set the variable "playable" to true for each crew member _x setVariable ["playable", true]; } forEach _crewArray; } forEach Lft_Convoy; This code gets run in the initServer script. I believe that is before the lobby but when the lobby is displayed there are no slots available. Can spawned units be made to appear in the lobby?
  5. I'm trying to write a function to alert me when a vehicle is approaching a stop sign. I'm having difficulty finding a way to determine if the sign is facing the vehicle. What I have so far: LFT_ShouldReactToSign = { params ["_vehicle", "_signClassName", "_detectionRange"]; // Get the model path from the class name private _signModelPath = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _signClassName >> "model"); // Get the position and direction of the vehicle private _vehiclePos = getPos _vehicle; private _vehicleDir = getDir _vehicle; // Log vehicle direction for debugging diag_log format ["Vehicle Direction: %1", _vehicleDir]; // Find the nearest objects within the specified detection range private _nearbyObjects = nearestObjects [_vehiclePos, [], _detectionRange]; // Check each object to see if it matches the sign model path { private _objectModelInfo = getModelInfo _x; private _objectModelPath = _objectModelInfo select 1; if (_objectModelPath == _signModelPath) then { private _signPos = getPos _x; private _signDir = getDir _x; // Get the facing direction of the sign // Log sign direction for debugging diag_log format ["Sign Direction: %1", _signDir]; private _distanceToSign = _vehicle distance _signPos; private _directionToSign = _vehiclePos getDir _signPos; // Check if the sign is in front of the vehicle and within a certain distance if (_distanceToSign < _detectionRange && abs(_vehicleDir - _directionToSign) < 45) then { // Check if the sign is facing the vehicle if (abs((_signDir - 180) - _vehicleDir) < 45) then { // Additional checks can be added here to ensure the sign is for the vehicle's lane true }; }; }; } forEach _nearbyObjects; // If no sign is detected, return false false };
  6. I have a mission using the Global Mobilization DLC. Sometimes the missions are at night and the inside of buildings are dark. There use to be a light entity but I guess the BIS libraries changed or something. The old way I use to light up the inside of buildings no longer works and I was wondering how it is done now? Thanks.
  7. I have the following method: LFT_startCarLoops = { params ["_cityAreaArray", "_percent", "_carTypeArray", "_deletionRange", "_spawnRange"]; // Initialize global array to keep track of spawned cars if (isNil "ambientParkedCars") then { ambientParkedCars = []; }; ["itemAdd", ["checkPlayerProximityForCarsLoop", { [_cityAreaArray, _percent, _carTypeArray, _spawnRange] call LFT_CheckPlayerProximityAndSpawnCars; }, 1]] call BIS_fnc_loop; ["itemAdd", ["checkCarsProximityLoop", { [_deletionRange] call LFT_CheckCarsProximity; }, 1]] call BIS_fnc_loop; }; I need it to run some other code every few seconds. However, although this method gets data through the parameters (I have checked), when it gets to the BIS_fnc_loop the value of _cityAreaArray doesn't get passed and becomes "any". I need it to LFT_CheckPlayerProximityAndSpawnCars. LFT_CheckPlayerProximityAndSpawnCars = { params ["_cityAreaArray", "_percent", "_carTypeArray", "_spawnRange"]; <Some code> };
  8. I created a mission some time ago that uses the Global Mobilization DLC and the CBA_A3 mod. I have not run the mission for a long time and now when I start it I get error messages: Bad Vehicle Type Virtual AI Squad and mpmissions\__CUR_MP.gm_weferlingen_summer\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item65.type:Vehicle class VirtualAISquad no longer exists I searched mission.sqm and found two references to VirtualAISquad. They refer to light emitters. I don't see the emitters in the Eden editor and when I comment out the offending classes and try to start the mission Arma 3 crashes. I don't know how to proceed.
  9. I wish to display card-like messages while in-game. A header, picture and text below then buttons. Is this possible? I'm trying to create a scenario that is more board game like. The players will get random cards that can add items or abilities if the card is used. I would like it to have a header on top then a nice picture with text below that and finally buttons that will allow them to use or save the card. Thanks.
  10. I want to execute a function after units reach their given waypoint but the function takes an argument. I wanted to use setWaypointStatements but the argument is in a private variable and it is not possible to place the argument into a global variable because the function gets executed by many AI units that require the argument have different values. Is there any way to do this?
  11. Never mind... I just tested it out on the server after my long post and it is working. 🤪
  12. I can't seem to get a handle on locality. I understand it, I just can't seem to not get smacked in the face by it. The other day Harzach helped me identify my locality problem and I though I was being so careful but I once again have code that runs fine in single player but not on my dedicated server. When a player destroys an enemy vehicle I want to award that player points based on the vehicle type and send a hint message to only that player. When I create the vehicle I attach an event handler to it (from code that only runs on the server). LFT_MilitaryTraffic: if(!isServer) exitWith {}; // Delete dead vehicles for "_c" from 0 to ((count militaryVehicleArray) - 1) do { private _veh = militaryVehicleArray # _c; if(!alive _veh) then { militaryVehicleArray deleteAt _c; }; }; while {(count militaryVehicleArray) < MAX_VEHICLES } do { // Get Vehicle Type private _vehicleType = selectRandom vehicleTypeArray; // Get Random road positions for start private _posStart = [0,0]; private _startSeg = [] call LFT_GetRandomRoadSeg; _posStart = getPos _startSeg; // Spawn Vehicle. private _roadDir = [_startSeg] call LFT_GetRoadDirection; private _vehArray = [_posStart, _roadDir, _vehicleType, east] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; private _vehObject = _vehArray # 0; private _group = _vehArray # 2; _group deleteGroupWhenEmpty true; _vehObject addEventHandler["Killed", { params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; [_unit, _killer] remoteExecCall ["LFT_AwardKillPoints"]; }]; if(_vehicleType == "O_Truck_02_Ammo_F") then { _vehObject addEventHandler["Killed", { params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; for "_c" from 1 to 10 do { private _bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (getPos _unit); _bomb setDamage 1; }; }]; }; militaryVehicleArray pushBack _vehObject; // Send Vehicle // _group = _vehArray # 2; [_group] call LFT_SetWaypoint; }; I assume that the event handler will run on the server so I remoteExecCall a function (LFT_AwardKillPoints) that has been compiled and placed into a variable. The variable has been declared a public variable: initServer: if(!isServer) exitWith {}; private _year = 2035; private _month = 7; private _day = 19; private _hour = 12; private _min = floor random 60; setDate [_year, _month, _day, _hour, _min]; private _handle = [] execVM "scripts\initVariables.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle}; LFT_RaptorMaintenance = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_RaptorMaintenance.sqf"; LFT_VehicleMaintenance = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_VehicleMaintenance.sqf"; LFT_MilitaryTraffic = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_MilitaryTraffic.sqf"; LFT_GetRandomRoadSeg = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_GetRandomRoadSeg.sqf"; LFT_SetWaypoint = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_SetWaypoint.sqf"; LFT_GetRoadDirection = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_GetRoadDirection.sqf"; LFT_AwardKillPoints = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_AwardKillPoints.sqf"; LFT_InitBuildingManagement = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_InitBuildingManagement.sqf"; publicVariable "LFT_RaptorMaintenance"; publicVariable "LFT_VehicleMaintenance"; publicVariable "LFT_MilitaryTraffic"; publicVariable "LFT_GetRandomRoadSeg"; publicVariable "LFT_SetWaypoint"; publicVariable "LFT_GetRoadDirection"; publicVariable "LFT_awardKillPoints"; addMissionEventHandler ["entityRespawned",{ params ["_unit"]; call { if (side _unit isEqualTo WEST) exitWith {_unit setpos getpos respawn_west_1}; }; }]; [] spawn LFT_MilitaryTraffic; serverReady = true; publicVariable "serverReady"; LFT_AwardKillPoints: params ["_unit", "_killer"]; if(player isEqualTo _killer) then { { private _unitType = _x # 0; private _unitTypeText = _x # 1; private _unitTypeScore = _x # 2; if(_unitType isEqualTo (TypeOf _unit)) exitWith { hint format ["You have destroyed a %1. +%2 Points!", _unitTypeText, _unitTypeScore]; // TODO - add _unitTypeScore to players total score. }; } forEach scoreTable; }; The function uses an array called scoreTable that has also been made public: initVariables.sqf: if(!isServer) exitWith {}; MAX_VEHICLES = 150; player_1_Score = 0; player_2_Score = 0; player_3_Score = 0; player_4_Score = 0; vehicleTypeArray = [ "O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_v2_F", "O_MRAP_02_F", "O_MRAP_02_hmg_F", "O_LSV_02_AT_F", "O_LSV_02_armed_F", "O_LSV_02_unarmed_F", "O_Truck_03_device_F", "O_Truck_03_ammo_F", "O_Truck_03_fuel_F", "O_Truck_03_medical_F", "O_Truck_03_repair_F", "O_Truck_03_transport_F", "O_Truck_03_covered_F", "O_Truck_02_Ammo_F", "O_Truck_02_fuel_F", "O_Truck_02_medical_F", "O_Truck_02_box_F", "O_Truck_02_transport_F", "O_Truck_02_covered_F" ]; scoreTable = [ ["O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_v2_F","Unarmed Ifrit",10], ["O_MRAP_02_F","Ifrit GMG",30], ["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","Ifrit HMG",30], ["O_LSV_02_AT_F","Qilin (AT)",20], ["O_LSV_02_armed_F","Qilin (Mini-Gun)",20], ["O_LSV_02_unarmed_F", "Qilin (Unarmed)", 5], ["O_Truck_03_device_F","Tempest (Device)",10], ["O_Truck_03_ammo_F","Tempest (Ammo)",25], ["O_Truck_03_fuel_F","Tempest (Fuel)",25], ["O_Truck_03_medical_F","Tempest (Medical)",10], ["O_Truck_03_repair_F","Tempest (Repair)",25], ["O_Truck_03_transport_F","Tempest (Transport)",30], ["O_Truck_03_covered_F","Tempest (Covered Transport)",30], ["O_Truck_02_Ammo_F","Zamak Ammo",25], ["O_Truck_02_fuel_F","Zamak Fuel",25], ["O_Truck_02_medical_F","Zamak Medical",10], ["O_Truck_02_box_F","Zamak Repair",25], ["O_Truck_02_transport_F","Zamak Transport",30], ["O_Truck_02_covered_F","Zamak Transport (Covered)",30] ]; publicVariable "scoreTable"; mainIsland = [[9803.08,9978.81], 5000]; cityArray = [ ["GeorgeTown",[6093.99,10023.6],1000], ["BluePerl",[13436.6,11933.5],800], ["Kotomo",[10786.3,6455.53],400], ["Tanouka",[9029.22,10021.6],500] ]; militaryVehicleArray = []; Again, It works when I run it from my PC but not on a dedicated server. Any ideas? Thanks.
  13. Each function is in it's own sqf file and I compile the files from the initServer.sqf file: if(!isServer) exitWith {}; private _year = 2035; private _month = 7; private _day = 19; private _hour = 6 + floor random 10; private _min = floor random 60; setDate [_year, _month, _day, _hour, _min]; private _handle = [] execVM "scripts\initVariables.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle}; LFT_RaptorMaintenance = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_RaptorMaintenance.sqf"; LFT_VehicleMaintenance = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_VehicleMaintenance.sqf"; LFT_MilitaryTraffic = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_MilitaryTraffic.sqf"; LFT_GetRandomRoadSeg = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_GetRandomRoadSeg.sqf"; LFT_SetWaypoint = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_SetWaypoint.sqf"; LFT_GetRoadDirection = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "scripts\LFT_GetRoadDirection.sqf"; [] call LFT_MilitaryTraffic; serverReady = true; publicVariable "serverReady";
  14. Nope, but maybe I need to put in a few more logging statements to see what's happening on the client side.