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About Rhyagella

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  1. Rhyagella

    Server FPS limit testing

    I'll be keeping an eye out on this thread for sure. Any chance, no matter how small, for MP performance increases is worth watching. Thanks for sharing @dedmen. :)
  2. Thank you both for the replies, I appreciate it! It saved me the hassle of OC'ing my CPU and going through the stability tests. Boy is that annoying! Good thing CodeFourGaming's servers are always great! Thanks again! :)
  3. Rhyagella

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    Mods saw a decrease of about 3fps, but my mods were just extra SP missions and a custom insignia. I was discouraged when I got the results. I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to run it even on low, but that was not the case. :) My results: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/share/?id=1133612332 My setup: CPU: i5-4690k @ 4.2Ghz RAM:16gb [no OC/default speed, I'll check speed and edit this] GPU: MSI R9 280 [no OC] MONITOR: 1920 x 1080p STORAGE: 1T WD Hard drive, 7400 RPM OS: Windows 7 64bit I'm using the absolute latest drivers for my GPU, which is Crimson Radeon ReLive 17.8.2, and the default build for Arma 3. I can run SP very well on mixed Very High-Ultra, with some settings shut off because I personally don't like them or need them. Online, on good KOTH servers, I usually get about 40-50 FPS, sometimes even 70 if the server is really good. Beyond that, I haven't made any changes to parameters beyond setting it to 64bit update.
  4. Is there much of a benefit in Arma 3 (mp) if you OC your CPU? I can play offline high very high-ultra mix settings very comfortably, but unless I'm on a good server for KOTH my performance tanks to ungodly levels. Is this something entirely set by the server, or would an OC help relieve the problem some?