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About mightyUgga

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  1. mightyUgga

    ASR AI 3

    they just behave different in many ways. without asr-ai installed - they stay where they have spawned. - they seem to only throw grenades, when they have no other ammo. - they start shooting from a greater distance. with asr ai and with "asr_ai_exclude" enabled (or not, i dont see a difference there) - they moving towards the enemy - they use more grenades - they refuse to shoot at me from a distance. but when i am getting close enough, they react much quicker than in vanilla. My Question: Should they behave like vanilla AI when i use _spawnedUnit setvariable ["asr_ai_exclude", true] or do i have to disable something else? my goal is to make some units completely controlled by sqf, whereby other units remain under asr control. me excusing,I bad english XD
  2. mightyUgga

    ASR AI 3

    Ahoi! I tried to exclude a spawned unit from asr ai with no succes. _spawnedUnit = _thisGrp createUnit [_thisUnitType, _position, [], 0, "FORM"]; [_spawnedUnit] joinSilent _thisGrp; _spawnedUnit setvariable ["asr_ai_exclude", true, true]; the unit still shows "non Vanilla Behaviour". Does it only work, if i put this in an initField of a unit in editor? Is it even possible to disable ASR-AI completely on a unit? would it perhaps help to use something like _spawnedUnit disableAI "fsm"? could anyone pls enlight me a bit about what these fsm´s exactly do?