<<Priority Message>>
To: General Joshua Goldberg
From: High Commander Viktor Kurchzevich
First off, I am quite pleased with your recent actions in Takistan. The fact that we were able to almost eradicate the plague there is very pleasing. However, with General Xian transferred to Tanoa to help fend off to all out Plague and impending war, Chernarus is nigh-undefended. I have transferred Colonel Bragg from fighting the IMG on Altis and Stratis and Major Boyervich from fighting Takistani Insurgents to Chernarus, however, they need more support. Therefore, I am transferring you there. You must be careful, however. These are no ordinary Bandits. Chernarus is infested with the Chernarus Insurgent Fighters. They have established themselves as a major presence on the island. Also the IMG have reportedly allied with the CIF, therefore bringing some armor to the Insurgents. Most importantly of all! Chernarus is infested with the plague. We must keep careful. For also, on the island there lies a Plague Cult.