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Everything posted by RoseMoney

  1. So I thought this was an issue as well. But apparently real Apaches defeat AA missiles automatically in a similar manner. Real life accounts of SA6s flying into the ground shortly after launch.
  2. https://units.arma3.com/unit/dirtythirty Looking for players to join me in some online games Semi-Realism gameplay... I have real military and combat experience Coop Gameplay and open to gamemode ideas to add on my server Normally playing RHS BECTI or some form of Domination Mods I use on the Server are: CBA RHSAFRF RHSUSAF JSRS Sound Mod BlastCore AH-64D Longbow by N&F RHSGREF RHSSAF C2 - Command & Control JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS Mod Pack Sound Support CUP Terrains - Complete 1.3.0 Ace TFAR STHUD TeamSpeak: DirtyThirty Server: Dirty Thirty
  3. RoseMoney

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I'm wondering how I can have this mission run on my server with the following set up without having to manually click to turn off the ai everygame: BLUFOR will only have AI enabled for Commander position. All other squads will be people OPFOR will be AI only (As of now I'm just disabling OPFOR as playable
  4. Same problem occured for me
  5. I have a question about how to have someone on the ground use the laser designator to give targets. I tried using the AGM-114K and hitting remote targets while having manual fire as the pilot, but it tells me no tgts.
  6. Is there anyway to reduce the engine sounds even further? The helicopter is ridiculously much louder than any other helicopter. Which means I end up turning my volume down to the point where I can't hear anything while I'm on foot. UPDATE: THANK YOU :D Sounds much better now.
  7. launcher is set to use 64-bit
  8. So I've been playing with this mod for about two months now. I was wondering if anyone had some insight into a few issues I've consistently run across. MODS Used: JSRS RHS ASR CUP MODS C2 1. When using IR or Radar counter measures the game will crash 90% of the time. A application error will pop up and usually give an error of memory could not be read and press OK to terminate program. 2. Aircraft cannot be hit with any (whether AI or player controlled) AA missiles 3. IHADDS will randomly stop working. When this happens the aircraft becomes unresponsive. You can still fly it, but you cannot target any enemies nor press any buttons in the cockpit. However, MPDs will still function if you set keys to control them.