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Everything posted by IIIRSIII


    To win at any cost.

    Provocations, insults faith. Is it worth it to win in the "Monthly Challenges"?
  2. All players now have trouble getting points. The developers know about it?

    Monthly challenge

    Where you lost the best player PLAYAR 46?
  4. In recent time it becomes increasingly difficult to play my favorite game. Most players think I'm a cheater...including players who have been in the game a long time and understand how the game works. I started to record all the gameplay, some videos put on youtube...but every day gets harder. Players don't want to play against me... kill me when I was in their team for fun...And this against the background of verbal abuse and unfounded accusations. I don't even know how developers can help in this situation...

    Hello, I'm a "cheater"!

    OMG! BoomB, you decided to play psychologist !?) 1. Nobody has the right to accuse someone without evidence! (And evidence can not be, because I play fair) 2. People think that they can insult me and to gain respect from their friends . Let them look at ourselves and cease to feel unpunished. 3. You're a bad psychologist. I've never seen a cheater who would have played so much in the game....I think because it ceases to be interesting. By the way people are very smart, recently told me that there are cheats which are not visible on the screen....they are on a tablet or phone. Well invite you to visit. We look stupid when we don't want to admit that we are weaker.

    Hello, I'm a "cheater"!

    To be continued =)

    Hello, I'm a "cheater"!

    Sent the first report . First, the player used the bug because of which in the link incorrectly points are added, now when a bug fixed, he decided to insult me. I hope he will not be unpunished.

    Hello, I'm a "cheater"!

    Guys and girls, do not forget that this is not only my personal problem. By the way some gather in groups of three players level 25 and play in a Raid against random guys...the concept of honor is forgotten. Soon we will not see new players at all.

    Hello, I'm a "cheater"!

    Interesting idea, but I'm not a cheater. I was hoping that the developers might come up with a solution to this problem. Those who are lost in battle , no evidence is not enough. I'm glad that at least someone changed their mind.

    Hello, I'm a "cheater"!

    When you play in Argo, press the "T" this is "tactical ping".

    Hello, I'm a "cheater"!

    Snake.Pliskin You're one of the few who behaves with dignity and in defeat and in victory. I think I am also partly to blame. I always imposed on players of high level competition,but not everything depends on the level. I would not like to always lose, but I just want justice and balance.
  12. Dear developers , please publish the rules ban for the killing of allies. Now it is absolutely not clear how it works. Yesterday I was in one battle killed twice player "jazzfilm", he specially came out on the fire line and strongly provoked me. A few hours later I was banned for it. I was locked for over 14 hours. Today I accidentally killed a player on my team and after one hour I was banned again. You want to make it work that way ? -500 points not enough? You want to the few players who played in Argo and those who are new in Argo , never came in game?

    Banned for killing allies.

    Я нарисовал это) Если я буду писать на родном языке, будет еще более непонятно. Проблема не в словах, а в построении предложений. Я думаю на другом языке, привык излагать свои мысли по другому. Но давайте попробуем. До патча 1.05 была проблема с начислением очков за прибывание на захваченном мейне. Иногда очки не начислялись сразу же после прекращения захвата мейна, а в тот момент когда ты нажимал "возрождение". Т.е можно было просто ждать и получать очки (игра все это время думала что ты находишься на мейне). Когда в патче 1.04 переделали систему возрождения и игрок перестал совершать самоубийство, если он не нажал возрождение во время раунда, стало возможным бездействовать до самого конца боя (10, 15, 20 минут). Возрождаешься перед самым концом матча и получаешь много очков, как будто ты все это время (10, 15, 20 минут) стоял на мейне.

    Banned for killing allies.

    Thank you for your comprehensive answer. I'm not sure what question to address. But I can't not to take advantage. I see that the developers in this patch fixed the scoring system in the link. Now points are not awarded if the player is not on the main. Sometimes happens that the glasses generally is not charged, for example if I was killed on the Maine, or the round is over when I stood on the main. So intended or a bug?

    Banned for killing allies.

    I read the previous post, I realized it was a mistake. But the question remains: "How does it work?"

    Hello, I'm a "cheater"!

    You wanna apologize to me? Do I understand correctly? I am very surprised. You are the first who makes a male act.

    Argo Videos
