alright, thanks man. i remember experimenting with hero's survive before but it didn't work out, i'll check out B52
for the zombie spawns, yes i'm trying to set it up so they don't spawn behind the corner. the idea is that once you clear out a location it stays free of zombies until you leave. aditionally it's also nice that you hear and see firefights happening at longer distances and it brings a bit more mid and long range combat to ravage (i increased the raider spawn radius as well), hence why i'm experimenting with the rather large spawn radius.
yesterday i set up camp for the night at the victoria(?) resort, looking down on the airfield and Esseker itself, through my binos i could see in the fading evening light multiple groups of raiders fighting eachother and zombies all the way across the river in old Esseker. i could see the muzzle flashes seconds before the muffled gunshots reached my ears. by the time the sun had set all there was left was bodies. it was beautiful man. just a shame the zeds are spread so thin when actually traveling around
anyways thanks for the advice