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  1. hello! So RTM can be imported into Blender. Is it possible for me to use a bone controller to adjust the actions? I've tried it before, it's really a mess, the controller on the hand is completely malfunctioning, and everything else is the same. Because you know the known Issues: "there are IK and other control bones won't work." I don't know if this plugin has been updated yet, as it would be more efficient for me to create character actions using Blender. So is there any solution? thanks.
  2. params [ ["_unit", objNull, [objNull]], ["_funds", 0, [0]] ]; if (!local _unit) exitWith { [_unit, _funds] remoteExec ["HALs_money_fnc_addFunds", _unit, false]; }; if (_funds < 0) then { _funds = ceil _funds; } else { _funds = floor _funds; }; if (_funds isEqualTo 0) exitWith {}; // Remove money if (_funds < 0) then { for "_i" from 1 to (abs _funds) do { _unit removeItem "rvg_money"; }; } else { _unit addMagazines ["rvg_money", _funds]; }; So after I use these codes, the balance will not decrease after purchasing, and there is no change. Why? The "rvg_money" is item of money.
  3. I used the script you provided. But the balance will not decrease after buying something, no change. Can you find a reason? Thank you for your patience!
  4. Thank you! But there is a small problem. The amount of money is constant after shopping. // Remove money if (_funds < 0) then { for "_i" from 1 to _funds do { _unit removeItem "rvg_money"; }; } else { _unit addMagazines ["rvg_money", _funds]; }; I think the problem is here.
  5. Unfortunately, your computer is broken.You can also help me solve the problem here. So how do I change HALs_money_fnc_addFunds and HALs_money_fnc_getFunds functions? I know that ravage has a statement:“_money = {_x isEqualTo "rvg_money"} count magazines player;” Means to check the number of rvg_money item in the equipment . “for "_prout" from 1 to _price do {player removeItem "rvg_money"};” This is the statement to remove rvg_money item after buying something.The knowledge of my script is not enough, so I can only know the meaning of these two sentences.So how can I change it? The following is the Ravage trading script, you can analyze. Ravage‘s sell.sqf params ["_classname", "_price", "_cfg"]; _trader = player getVariable ["isTradingWith", nil]; _shopType = missionNameSpace getVariable (_trader getVariable "isTrader"); _text = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _classname >> "displayName"); if (_classname in magazines player) then { player removeMagazine _classname; } else { /*if (_classname in (items backpackContainer player)) then { player removeItemFromBackpack _classname; } else { if (_classname in (items vestContainer player)) then { player removeItemFromVest _classname; } else { if (_classname in (items uniformContainer player)) then { player removeItemFromUniform _classname; } else { if (_classname in weapons player) then { player removeWeaponGlobal _classname; } else { player removeItem _classname; }; }; }; };*/ if (_classname in (backpackItems player)) then { player removeItemFromBackpack _classname; } else { if (_classname in (vestItems player)) then { player removeItemFromVest _classname; } else { if (_classname in (uniformItems player)) then { player removeItemFromUniform _classname; } else { if (_classname in weapons player) then { player removeWeaponGlobal _classname; } else { player removeItem _classname; }; }; }; }; }; for "_prout" from 1 to _price do {player addItem "rvg_money"}; if (_trader canAdd [_classname, 1]) then { _trader addItem _classname; }; hint format ["You sold one %1 for %2$.", _text, _price]; cameraOn say3d selectRandom ["bank1", "bank2", "bank3"]; Ravage‘s buy.sqf params ["_classname", "_price", "_cfg"]; _trader = player getVariable ["isTradingWith", nil]; _shopType = missionNameSpace getVariable (_trader getVariable "isTrader"); _text = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _classname >> "displayName"); _money = {_x isEqualTo "rvg_money"} count magazines player; if (_money < _price) exitWith {hint "Not enough money!"}; if (!(player canAdd [_classname, 1])) exitWith {hint "Your inventory is full already."}; if (_classname in (weapons _trader)) then { _trader removeWeaponGlobal _classname; } else { _trader removeItem _classname; }; for "_prout" from 1 to _price do {player removeItem "rvg_money"}; player addItem _classname; hint format ["You bought one %1 for %2$.", _text, _price]; cameraOn say3d selectRandom ["bank1", "bank2", "bank3"];
  6. Hello,HallyG The HAL‘s store is very good! I want to convert HAL's_money into a custom money system, such as the Ravage money system. How can I change it? I know there are a few variables like _price, _money should have more. . . . But the HAL's_money script is too complicated. I analyzed it for a long time and couldn’t figure it out. Here is the Ravage store buy script params ["_classname", "_price", "_cfg"]; _trader = player getVariable ["isTradingWith", nil]; _shopType = missionNameSpace getVariable (_trader getVariable "isTrader"); _text = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _classname >> "displayName"); _money = {_x isEqualTo "rvg_money"} count magazines player; if (_money < _price) exitWith {hint "Not enough money!"}; if (!(player canAdd [_classname, 1])) exitWith {hint "Your inventory is full already."}; if (_classname in (weapons _trader)) then { _trader removeWeaponGlobal _classname; } else { _trader removeItem _classname; }; for "_prout" from 1 to _price do {player removeItem "rvg_money"}; player addItem _classname; hint format ["You bought one %1 for %2$.", _text, _price]; cameraOn say3d selectRandom ["bank1", "bank2", "bank3"]; I know that HALs_store is a virtual currency system and Ravage's currency has actual items, and the amount of money is defined according to the number of items. So how can I change it?