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About Arrakaz

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  1. Arrakaz

    Errorrs logging in.

    Appologies, not really user aware on forums. I was in the right forum, and but was not sure what to do next, so clicked a button and posted! did't realise or notice that I had been moved to a completly new area. sigh! posted in the right thread now.
  2. Arrakaz


    Hello thesnyper Having just found your game. I have been trying to get it to load. But I am now stuck with two loading errors. 1st that appears: Addon 'CUP_AirVehicles_StartLine' requires addon 'CBA_XEH_A3' The 2nd that appears when A3 is loading up your game is: Cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable contect that has been deleted. cbs_xeh. I am at a not sure what to do. All addons have been downladed fresh on the 29th June 2017, nothing has been deleted by myself, so everything is as provided by your links. Are you aware of this issuse and what do I need to do to fix it. Thanks for your endless time spent on this project.
  3. Arrakaz

    Errorrs logging in.

    Hello thesnyper Having just found your game. I have been trying to get it to load. But I am now stuck with two loading errors. 1st that appears: Addon 'CUP_AirVehicles_StartLine' requires addon 'CBA_XEH_A3' The 2nd that appears when A3 is loading up your game is: Cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable contect that has been deleted. cbs_xeh. I am at a not sure what to do. All addons have been downladed fresh on the 29th June 2017, nothing has been deleted by myself, so everything is as provided by your links. Are you aware of this issuse and what do I need to do to fix it. Thanks for your endless time spent on this project.