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About Bonekilla

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  1. Bonekilla

    Will Combat Patrol Give XP/Credits?

    Just realized after spending over 10 hours in combat patrol mode.,, I'm still on lvl 2. I just browsed through this thread and it's hilarious how the Dev's are trying to cover up the fact that this is like a tester for Arma 3 i.e: if you like Argo, then you should check out Arma 3 and tbh it does pop up after every mission completion. Let's get the facts straight, if you want to promote Argo as a PvP game, then you guys are going to land on your faces, there are much better PvP games out there in the big league. The PvP game modes are just repetitive versions of raid with different titles and a few nicks here are there. The reason Arma 3 is unique, is because of it's war simulation and slow paced game-play, which you have provided in Argo in CP mode. That is the only reason Argo will move forward, provided you do something about the points and experience accumulation. If you are going to stick with the original decision of CP-Mode being a pointless game-play. Argo will surely die out. You guys should pull up stats or run a poll vote to find out which mode players join/come to play Argo. If i wanted PvP I'd be playing cs series. Hope you guys figure it out soon, before it's too late. Regards A skeptical Argo fan