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Everything posted by Revixy

  1. Revixy


    Any specific ETA? I've been building using your mod for years. I have one other question, can we have a vehicle save feature for server restarts? Not sure if you fixed this already, but previous the respawn system for players were broken, throwing people into the air and spawns them in the ocean after the sixth death. ( It was in v.0.4.3. ) Had that fixed myself, using my own respawn code, but I just can't get vehicles to stay in the world nor keep the items or conditions of them after restart. Reason being I can't figure out how to use inidbi as it just seems to refuse to use my commands. I see it saving the vehicle data at times and at other times it just won't, but regardless, the second the server shuts down all data is whipped clean, so I was hoping you had a better system that actually works in your mod now? Tried getting help in the past here on the board to write a unique code that did this, but people were.. Not exactly cooperative. Thx for any replies you may send my way and keep up the great work. Kind Regards - Revixy. GamingLogon www.youtube.com/GamingLogon Note: I will of course be releasing information about your mod in future videos when I have a stable version of what I've been working on using your mod so far, since I'd like to contribute to getting more people to use your mod.
  2. ### THIS THREAD HAS BEEN CLOSED, THERE IS NO ANSWER HERE. IF YOU WANT ANSWERS ASK ME DIRECTLY. ### Hello everyone. So, I'm currently building my own persistent survival simulation and I've managed to save both inventory gear and position of players onto the server side without using any 3rd party databases to achieve this. Now my question is this, how do I save vehicles persistently so they remain on the map with their gear stored, fuel remaining etc etc, still intact after server restart using the fn_Savestat? I have no code for this as I have no idea what may work or may not. I've spend months trying to get several scripts to work and I've even tried to tweak them myself but to no avail. If anyone can help me with this, I'd be very gradeful. Kind regards - Revixy.
  3. Yea, that much I was aware of, the problem is though that I don't know how to call vehicles correctly, using that method which is why I was here in the first place. I've tired pretty much everything I can come up with. But none has worked so far. I'll figure it out though, just not here in the toxic environment that distract me more than it's being helpful. Of course not talking about you. Thanks for posting. I made a report saying that he was executing offensive behavior not language. There's a big difference and if you look closer, I didn't get "mad" about his solution, he kept insisting. I asked for help to solve a problem and say specifically what I'm looking for why he insist I should use another method continuously is beyond me since I've specifically said I'm not interested since I don't know how to use it and I say I'm not looking to use that method, but he then tells me I should just learn to "get better" just because I don't know how, without actually providing anything that would make it possible for me or anyone else for that matter to either use his method like a step by step method video that works with what he's written that he makes himself, or provide anything that would work with the method I'm seeking, then yes he would indeed just appear as an ass, telling I simply need to learn, as if I haven't tried for years. Try and google anything on the topic and you will find nothing. It sounds more like you dislike the idea that some people just don't know how to help with things correctly and when challenged to help someone explain something in greater detail, then people like you simply fail to do so, by So no, I didn't falsely accuse him of anything, I did it legitimately. So please man, don't come in here and put words in my mouth. I don't want to see another discussion like this. If you're here to help ( and I know you're a mod. ) on the topic at hand that I'm seeking help for, then great that's exactly what I want to happen here, if not then don't post. This is the LAST time I will say this. On a final note, if you feel like banning me now because you got offended or whatever, you can go ahead and do so. It will however not exactly leave the best impression on how things are handled around here since I'm being questioned for nothing. Just saying. Have a nice day. Then why are you here? It's clear to me why you're here, it may not be for the rest here, but it is to me. You're not here to help that's for sure. You're simply here to cause trouble and I see no reason for why you would do that other than the fact that you get a kick out of the fact that you can abuse the fact that you can appear as the victim. Is that it? Because if that's it, then you're not welcome here for the very reason that I don't conduct childs play. So do me a favor and leave this thread so I can use my time on men who wish to be helpful. And honestly, you can claim away all you want man, I don't care what you believe. I don't sit here and lie at the very least or behave like a child, I do what is needed to get the problem at hand sorted out, not to sit here and listen to someone cry. So I'll say this as politely as I possibly can. Please leave this thread if you're not here to contribute on the matter in resolving it on how I asked it to be solved, in a mature way. If you can't do that then don't use your time here. I don't think I can say it any more clearly and simple than that. What I find more funny is the fact that I have to repeat this, several times and it still hasn't sunk in and then you wonder why I get agitated when you waste my time. Bravo, I have no idea how this could even happen, but I'm not surprised. I still have a lifetime to get wasted on stupid shit, this little event won't be the last nor was it the first. Thank you for your time and have a nice day. //////// UPDATE: So I took half an hour to think and I'm just going to close this thread. I'll find the answer myself as I've done with everything else, as I'm done wasting my time on childish behavior. To others who seek the answer to the question I was asking for that this topic was originally about, you can contact me directly and get the code directly. I won't share any code here. I wanted to open source it, but it's clear that only people who deserve it, should use it. Good riddance. "If you want something done, do yourself." - Gary Oldman.
  4. I'm not using profilenamespace. As I said, if I did that it would save the information in the arsenal for players to manipulate. So rest assured, that isn't the case. You can agree with what you want. The fact stands, what I'm looking for is a solution to avoid databases. Not use them, the fact that he kept pushing to use inidbi when I told him I wasn't interested is him being an ass. And honestly I see no reason why you bring a dead corpse up for no reason. And so what if you find them easy to use? That's great, but it would defeat the purpose of what I'm trying to achieve here. :) Can everyone from now on please reframe from mentioning how "easy" it is to use? Because I can't use that nor am I interested in having that argument nor debate about the matter. If you post here, let it be a solution if it isn't, then don't say a thing. Thank you.
  5. No, I don't use any addons to save anything. I only use scripts to achieve this. Go to page one and you can see my saveFuncs.sqf file.
  6. Noted and aware of this fact, won't change the fact that I'm looking for the other method not what everyone else think is best, for the reason for it to be easy for new people to use. If you got a suggestion on how to do this, you're welcome to post again.
  7. You've taken your time to attempt to help me resolve an issue the way I specifically told to begin with, I wasn't interested in. So why you do it the way I specifically said I wasn't interested in, is beyond me. You telling me I just need to "get better" is being an ass. You can deny that all you want, but it's the truth. Baby talk I can't use for shit, so get out of my face.
  8. It's a multiplayer server, both local and dedicated. ( currently testing with local, but should work both ways. ) And as for the link you provided, their solution there is using inidbi, which as stated I want to avoid. thx for the effort to find a solution though, appreciate it.
  9. Ah I see, you're one of those. Just don't waste my time, just because you think it's easy doesn't make it so for others who may have difficulties setting it up. I'm asking for help if you're only here to be an ass, then I suggest you get lost.
  10. I disagree. It's not that simple, if it was I would already be able to do so. So let me just make this clear, I'm not interested in databases. If you want to help me make it possible without then please do so, if you want to try and force me to change and use inidbi then, please don't waste your time nor mine. I'm sorry if that came out direct. But I can't use the fact that it seems you're stalling the matter. I need a solution that doesn't involve databases, not an argument and or debate on whether I should use databases or not. And since there's no code anywhere that seems to indicate to do what I'm looking for, this is the reason I'm here. I want to make it simple for everyone once the code is done, so everyone can just use it, amatures or pro's alike. If someone knows how to use databases and want to change the code to support that instead, it's not going to be hard for them, now is it?
  11. It is as stated, that I prefer to be able to simply drop the mission/scenario and just launch it, rather than having to deal with database related environments. The same thing can be asked of anyone else using the database systems really, why the databases if it can be done without and work just as fine? The reason is that I don't know how to set them up and in the future I will forget again and to be honest the easier it is, the more can be used even by amatures who've never scripted before. ( As I plan to put my mission files as open source when it's done for others to pick up and do whatever they want with it. ) So if I have the mission stored then everything is all set to go without having to worry about the rest, not to mention that there is absolutely no help on the topic when it comes to using databases either. And with the amount of time I've spend on trying to figure everything out I'd rather just be able to plug and play, instead of plug and pray. I wouldn't be asking for help either, if I could find the information else where as I wouldn't want to waste anyone's time on something that is possible to find easily. If you could help setup the code so we can close this case, I'd be very appreciative.
  12. As stated, I'm looking for a script that doesn't use any database structure. So the commands you gave me ain't of much use since they require inidbi, unless I can tweak it to work with fn_savestat; without the use of any databases such as inidbi. Not that I don't appreciate the effort you put into it to share it with me though. Again, thx for the help so far, if you could try and give me some code that works with for instance profilenamespace as you described, which I know work for profile saving, that would be great. Since I don't know how to do this for vehicles. I should add that I'm not saving profile information that way, since they will get saved in the arsenal locally and can be altered by the users there if using profilenamespace for inventory gathering. Just isn't secure enough. And the uiNamespace only works while the server is running, once the server is shutdown, all data is lost. As you can see, I've done my research. I should note, that I did try and use IniDBi and use your code, but nothing happened using it. Again, I prefer to save everything without any database use. Thx again in advance. It's not that I haven't tried. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't because I wanted a simple approach to executing something without the need of having to setup a database structure and so forth every time I need to either relocate it or pickup the project later, as I've done with this over the past several years. It's the easy to setup easy to use that matters to me. The easier it is, the quicker my users of my missions/scenarios can enjoy themselves without any hassle.
  13. I haven't defined anything yet, the only things that are defined are of course the player stats structure, the inventory structure etc. This looks very promising. Never thought of it this way. I did realize that my code was off the second you posted from before. So how do I get fuel, damage etc on player exit or maybe on server shutdown even? As far as I know, the "getout" command isn't used for that, it's suppose to be to order units to exit a vehicle, not to detect when right? Again, thx for the help so far this means more than you can imagine. Update: I've tried pretty much everything and nothing seems to work. If anyone could guide me with a script that isn't incomplete, that would be amazing. Just to provide some code, here is what I have, but still ain't working. save.sqf ( which is repeated every so often. ) _vehicleArray = nearestObjects [[0,0,0],["car"], 100000]; // ( < - I set it to 100000 to test if it was working. ) { ["vehicleinfo", [_owner,_type,_pos,_dir,_fuel,_damage,_inVeh,_vehID]]] call fn_SaveStat; // ( < - by all means change the defined statistics to help sort this problem of mine out. ) } forEach _vehicleArray; This was posted in initserver.sqf ["vehicleinfo"] call fn_LoadStat; So what's wrong here? Note: _owner,_type,_pos,_dir,_fuel,_damage,_inVeh,_vehID These statistics are defined in the savefunchs.sqf, but as far as I know they may not function as intended. So better just use complete new defined statistics with their own functions if anyone is so kind to help me. Again, thx in advance.
  14. I made extensive searches on the topic and figured it out on my own through that. I believe most of the code I learned from was found on this forum as well, from others who were asking for help with setting up servers for existing mods. I simply looked through the code provided and only took what I required. I should mention that I am educated in the C# language so it's not difficult for me to read. Just a bit much to look through and get to understand when there's no clear indication on what does what until I figured it out. If I'm getting this right, it's suppose to look like this right? _vehicles = vehicles; nearestObjects [player, ["_vehicles",[_owner,_type,_pos,_dir,_fuel,_damage,_inVeh,_vehID]], 200] call fn_SaveStat; or should I use "getposworld" for this? obviously, saving on exit vehicle instead would be preferable, so I'd be happy with that.
  15. Yea I had that in mind, over tasking the server by saving every second for possibly so many vehicles would be mad. My question is just, how do I execute this and get it to work? As stated, I've been unable to figure out how to make it work, so if anyone knows how to by leaving a script for the required files that would be great. Thanks for the link for the nearestObjects btw. I've read through it already though and simply just don't have the experience to know how to syntax it correctly to save it with the "call fn_savestat;" so I can call the "call fn_loadstat;" when needed on initserver.sqf. Any guidance to do this, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
  16. I'm using the "call fn_savestat;" then providing the information required in the savefuncs.sqf file. Figured it could be possible to do the same for vehicles since player entities and vehicle entities ain't much different. Anyone know how?
  17. Same way I'm retaining the data without for players and their position using the fn_savestat. Unless that's completely impossible for vehicles for some reason? Any help would be appreciated.