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Everything posted by Wolfeee

  1. Wolfeee

    Can't Join to Servers

    whats funnier is when i try to get them to unblock it they hang up
  2. Wolfeee

    Can't Join to Servers

    i fixed mine, my internet provider was blocking the port 2302, try connect your pc to a personal hotspot on your phone provided you are with a different provider on your phone it should work, if thats the case youll have to call your internet provider
  3. FIXED my internet provider blocks the port 2302 for some reason so i have to call them and try fix that
  4. Hello Im here on a last resort really as i have tried absolutely everything. First off the issue, so the usual go onto multiplayer find a server and click join, and thats where the fun begins. so usually as most of you know you get that nice little "Group Channel" icon down the bottom left of your screen and you know you are in the server, i dont get that, im sat looking at a picture of tanoa with all the lovely quotes at the bottom and it never loads anymore. what ive done so far, Alot really well everything me and my friend have thought off starting with the basics like making sure there are no mods, deleting MPmissions, verifying game cache etc etc then i decided to completely wipe any trace of arma 3 from my pc and start a download again but nope still same issue, i deleted my anti virus and disabled firewall to no avail, we checked the RTP file and when i join a server it just kinda gives up on loading and lets me sit and does nothing, so last night i decided to again wipe all arma traces and re-download, woke up and nope still broken, ive tried everything i can think of now and i cant think of much else. thank you all
  5. Wolfeee

    Can't Join to Servers

    i have the exact same issue had it for months now and havent found a fix yet if i fix it ill let you know
  6. yeah, i made sure steam is online and working but still nothing :(
  7. https://gyazo.com/7a5ea45a7e5fca8bee67c3f3c85c9a62 this is all i ever see btw