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About Jidyfly

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  1. Requirements:- 18Yrs +- Microphone- Teamspeak- Willing to download multiple modsTFC is a casual milsim unit using an ALiVE server for our operations. Upon joining you will be immediatly able to join us on ops and missions and train as you go. We also have a training map to help you learn about any mods we use, as well as tactics used in the field. Being a casual milsim means that we are still here to enjoy our time playing a game, and doing something we all love. We don't get mad at eachother for making a mistake, we work to help correct it. There is no sir or ma'am here or officers you have to salute in-game, we all have ranks but it merly for roster purposes, no one is above anyone else. We use a 24/7 ALiVE server for our unit, meaning anyone can join at any time and do solo missions / scouting / sitrep reports / etc.. Or if a squad is on, run assaults on enemy bases / towns.We need ground forces and pilots currently, if you are interested send me a message! https://taskforcecerberus.enjin.com/
  2. Squad name: Task Force Cerberus Timezone/location : U.S. TimeZones Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP - ALiVE Server Contact email: N/A Website address: https://taskforcecerberus.enjin.com/ Short description: Small Casual Mil-sim Unit Language: English