Hey man, not sure if I am going crazy but when trying to do this:
_g_O_patrol = [_p_spawnPatrol, east, AI_SKILL, [3,6], "Men", "OPF_F"] call Zen_SpawnInfantry;
that should get some vanilla CSAT faction guys it always prints theres no men in the faction. I also tried some modded ones with no luck.
Manually running:
["Men", east, "OPF_F", "All"] call Zen_ConfigGetVehicleClasses;
from debug screen in editor comes up with empty array.
["Men", west, "BLU_F", "All"] call Zen_ConfigGetVehicleClasses;
This is also an empty array.
However when I simply do:
_g_O_patrol = [_p_spawnPatrol, east, AI_SKILL, [3,6]] call Zen_SpawnInfantry;
It does spawn CSAT guys..
Any pointers?