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Everything posted by Lostan

  1. Hey M1ke, don't worry too much. There is no rush needed. I tried the script with your included mission. Works perfect. Tried it with my mission - only works in a specific spot. As I meantioned above it's just the beeping sound missing. Everything else works perfectly fine and as intended. Cheers Slingshot
  2. Sorry, my bad. I am quite new to mission building and totally forgot about it. Hope this is what you need: @ace @BWMod @CBA_A3 @CUP_Terrains_Complete @Project OPFOR @RHSUSAF @task_force_radio Slingshot
  3. Thanks for the fast reply. Ofc, here you go. Right click - save as. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kg5m1tktezs5ylc/Ipota_v6.Tanoa.rar?dl=0 The mission is not ready yet though. You find the barrel (copied from your mission) without sound in the hotel disctric on the northest island. Cheers Slingshot
  4. Heyhey, thanks for the script. Found it just recently and it works fine - mostly. I can attach it and I have the blinking light etc. Howerver there is no beeping sound. So I was looking for ages to find the solution. I even copied the barrel from your test mission into mine. Now it get interesting. It beeps. Awesome. Then I moved it to another location - no beeping sound again. Moved it back - beeping like intended. Any idea where my mistake is? Thanks in advance! Slingshot