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Everything posted by CodFather

  1. If you use BIS_fnc_Carrier01Init on the carrier in a remote location then use PosUpdate to place the carrier where you would like it then it will have the proper scripting that it is meant to have. here is the revised code that I am using, this will spawn in the carrier and will have the scripting run correctly on a server as well as not having a duplicate carrier in the same position. the only downside is that there will be a carrier where you initialized it, to fix this you can spawn it way off the map at like [-5000, -5000, -1000] If your script is a good replica of what is in the game, @roy86, then yeah that would be worth it, otherwise this is a quick and easy work around. also @darthdan@live.com.au I think this can be run in init.sqf private _vehicles = [ ["Land_Carrier_01_base_F", [7291.8, 1627.66, 0], [0.994672, -0.103089, 0], [0, 0, 1], true] ]; { // spawn carrier in lower corner of map private _vehicle = (_x select 0) createVehicle (_x select 1); _vehicle setPosASL [0,0,-1000]; _vehicle setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 2, _x select 3]; _vehicle call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; // init carrier _vehicle call BIS_fnc_Carrier01Init; // put carrier where you want it _vehicle setPosASL (_x select 1); _vehicle call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; } forEach _vehicles;
  2. I've been doing some digging around to get my catapult working on an exile server, looks like if I execute BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate and BIS_fnc_Carrier01Init on the carrier in initServer it spawns in with usable catapults. Here is what I'm using to spawn in the carrier: private _vehicles = [ ["Land_Carrier_01_base_F", [7291.8, 1627.66, 0], [0.994672, -0.103089, 0], [0, 0, 1], true] ]; { private _vehicle = (_x select 0) createVehicle (_x select 1); _vehicle setPosASL (_x select 1); _vehicle setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 2, _x select 3]; _vehicle call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; _vehicle call BIS_fnc_Carrier01Init; } forEach _vehicles; Edit: I see now that this causes the Ship to be spawned in that location twice, i.e. you have to open a door twice to walk in