Overall mediocre DLC. But by far not the best DLC, like some guys like to put it.
My Feedback Overall:
( + ) a.k.a. :)
- New Content, such like the Jets, the Carrier and the jet-powered UAV
- Improved AI, at least in some parts
- Addition of a new Radar Interface instead of the old one
( o ) a.k.a. :/
- Where is the role of the "old" jets now? CAS?
- Next time, please provide a tutorial to the controls because...
- The Controls are NOT mapped from the beginning in Huuuuuge parts
( - ) a.k.a. -.-
- What the HECK did you do to the camera? Especially in a helicoptre and a ground vehicle I would like to return to the old Systems. It may suit the new jets, but nothing else...at least allow us to change it again in the Settings!
- What the HECK did you do to the Auto-Hover-Ability coming with the V-44 and Y-32? The Xian was my favourite vehicle, and because of this I declared it KIA. The vector control may suit stick users, but please allow us to choose which WE would want to use....this is a Point that reaaaallyyy disappoints me!
- Please inform us next time that you mapped the rangefinder controls to the salute Control...keeps bugging
- do NOT map the Window-right-control-whatever-thing to the mousewheel-menu!