Background Information
[CLRP] Our community is focusing on a unique roleplay experience brought to you by some of the most experienced Arma Life developers yet to be seen.
The devolpers where a few people came together and decided to do something unique that would change the way that Life was played.
Awesome and unique features is far from all we're offering here at Classic Life RP, we have a very large and experienced Staff team doing their best to maintain the high quality of the server and community.
The current website can be found here: please note that the website is still in development and has progressed a lot since the few days we have been working on it and will proceed to be developed further.
We currently have a teamspeak server which is the main priority at this current time. You can connect using the following ip:
Game Server
The major thing that every community needs. We have a verry powerful server that is running 24/7 for maximum uptime so we never have any issues. This being said I would like a recruit some server developers to help get everything running smoothly.
Current Application Status - Open
As of being a new community, we are currently looking for a dedicated and mature staff team to help and ensure the community is running smoothly at all times.
Open Positions:
Director Of Administration
Lead Administrator
Head Administrator
Senior Administrator
Trial Staff
Due to the community as a whole being in high development we are always looking to take on as many developers as possible.
Teamspeak Developer
Website Developer
Game Server Developer
Object Builder
Terrain Development
Kind regards,
Community Manager