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About Squirtman

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  1. Thanks pierre i'll check it out when i get back to work on it @AZCoder it's not an indestructible object or at least not when damage is enabled it just has armor that negates all damage from smaller caliber ammo the same way some of the vehicles do.
  2. should be [] execvm "yourscript.sqf"; in your code you are telling it to set execvm to "recompensa2.sqf" but since execvm isn't a variable this is not possible. That should fix your problem with your script not running
  3. So i have 2 questions for the community First I am working a custom mission and am trying to implement an objective to defend an obj in the world from attacking enemy forces (destroy waypoint) and was wondering if there is a way to make an object actually take damage from small arms fire. as it stands i am using the power generator (land_powergenerator_F) as the object that has to be protected however no firearms short of a 9.5mm sniper rifle will actually do any damage to the object. I have a handledamage event handler on the object that for now shows the amount of damage done each time the event handler is called. I remember reading somewhere in the research i have done working on other parts of this project that it was possible to allow vehicles to take damage from small arms fire however i have been unable to find that source again and don't remember how i stumbled across it in the first place. Second i was wondering if anyone could explain what the armorypoints value in [USERNAME].ArmaXProfile is used for as the wiki doesn't. see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/armoryPoints if you are confused about what i am talking about. I thank you in advance for any assitance you would willing to provide
  4. With the code below you are able to create an array with all the magazines that can be used in a weapon. What i would like to know is there some way to do the same thing with attachments/accessories. I've looked at several weapons in the config viewer but i haven't been able to tell what determines what controls what attachments are allowed. Thank you in advance for your time and any assistance you can provide. _weap = selectrandom ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F", "hgun_ACPC2_F","hgun_P07_F"]; _mags = (getArray(configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _weap >> 'magazines'));
  5. It should be possible to replace the model of a pair of sunglasses check out https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_3_Replacement_Config_Tutorial it may not be the most clear or complete way to do it but it should at least provide you a starting point on how to do it.
  6. well excuse me for trying to help. As i said in my post before that one i never tested my first solution so i didn't know if it would work. And no I don't know every little intricacy about armas scripting language. As far as my "weird" half a code it was merely meant to be an example of a way i did know for sure would work sorry it wasn't the most efficient method and up to your standards of excellence.
  7. Squirtman

    Need help with Trigger

    Here is another method of accomplishing this without using the "time" command and thereby avoiding any bugs it carries with it. Timer starts on server launch place an object somewhere in the world (doesn't matter what it is) give it a variable name(in this example "timer" without quotes) uncheck enable damage under object:special states to prevent it being destroyed by accident uncheck show model if you don't want it to be visible but that is optional place an empty marker where you want your trigger to be and give it a name (in this example "triggerlocation" without quotes) put whatever code you want the trigger to execute into a script (in this example "script.sqf") place a trigger somewhere in the world. type = none, activation = none, check server only to prevent it possibly executing multiple times in the condition field put "alive timer"(no quotes) in the activation field place the code located below in the trigger timer section select timeout and enter the delay time you want in seconds in the min, mid, max boxes to start the timer when at least one player is present do the same as above starting on step 5 an put "count allplayers > 0"(no quotes) in the condition field of the trigger if (isServer) then { _trig1 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", getmarkerpos "triggerlocation"]; //creates a trigger at marker triggerlocation _trig1 setTriggerArea [10,10,-1,false]; //[x radius, y radius, z height, is rectangle] _trig1 setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false]; //[by, type, repeating] check link below for more information _trig1 setTriggerStatements ["this", "execvm 'script.sqf'", "this"]; //[condition, activation, deactivation] all must have something in them }; when the mission has been loaded for the amount of time you set in step 10 it will create a trigger that is activated upon BLUFOR present I would recommend checking command list for the syntax of the commands in the code should you want to change anything about the trigger being created
  8. try enclosing each getmarkerpos in parentheses () or brackets [] _town = [(getMarkerPos "town_1"),(getMarkerPos "town_2"),(getMarkerPos "town_3"),etc. I don't know what i was thinking earlier it should have been like that to begin with. If that doesn't work then you may have to use a random/if statements combination _num = floor(random x); if (_num==0) then { _town = getmarkerpos town_y }; if (_num==1) then { _town = getmarkerpos town_y }; if (_num==2) then { _town = getmarkerpos town_y }; where x = number of markers and y = marker number see getmarkerpos and Random for reference. I know the second method will work as i have used it for similar purposes but with the number of markers you have it's going to mean a good bit of copy paste and change numbers.
  9. I believe your problem is that _town is a variable and not a marker name so getmarkerpos can't actually get a location from it. try using private ["_telep"]; _town = [getMarkerPos "town_1",getMarkerPos "town_2",getMarkerPos "town_3",getMarkerPos "town_4",getMarkerPos "town_5",getMarkerPos "town_6",getMarkerPos "town_7",getMarkerPos "town_8",getMarkerPos "town_9",getMarkerPos "town_10",getMarkerPos "town_11",getMarkerPos "town_12",getMarkerPos "town_13",getMarkerPos "town_14",getMarkerPos "town_15",getMarkerPos "town_16",getMarkerPos "town_17",getMarkerPos "town_18",getMarkerPos "town_19",getMarkerPos "town_20",getMarkerPos "town_21",getMarkerPos "town_22",getMarkerPos "town_23",getMarkerPos "town_24",getMarkerPos "town_25",getMarkerPos "town_26",getMarkerPos "town_27",getMarkerPos "town_28",getMarkerPos "town_29",getMarkerPos "town_30",getMarkerPos "town_31"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _Blu_Base = ["Task",_town,0,0,true,true] call LARs_fnc_spawnComp; I haven't tested this so i don't know if it will work but i believe it will
  10. Squirtman

    Help changing weapon sounds

    I know I have to create a mod to do it i just don't know how to code the config.cpp to get it to replace the sounds short of creating a completely new weapon that uses the existing model.
  11. I'm working on a project that i want to have cup weapons in but i don't want to use the default weapon firing sounds. I would like to replace them with my own sound files however i can not find any good information on how to do this. everything i have found has either been incomplete or so incomprehensible that it is useless. Not to mention every different "tutorial" or "guide" contains conflicting information to the previous one i found. Can anyone that knows how to do this possibly explain it please. Sample code would be appreciated as well. Thanks in advance for your assistance
  12. I'm working on a project that i want to have cup weapons in but i don't want to use the default weapon firing sounds. I would like to replace them with my own sound files however i can not find any good information on how to do this. everything i have found has either been incomplete or so incomprehensible that it is useless. Not to mention every different "tutorial" or "guide" contains conflicting information to the previous one i found. Can anyone that knows how to do this possibly explain it please. Sample code would be appreciated as well. Thanks in advance for your assistance
  13. thanks i'll play with it and see what i can figure out
  14. I'm working on a project and one of the things I want to implement is removing the ability to change the attachments that are on a weapon. For instance if you pick up an MX that has an ACO and a flashlight and then pickup an MX that has a suppressor I don't want players to be able to take the suppressor off the second one and transfer it to the first one. Does anyone know if this is possible and if it is could you provide an example of how it is done or at least point towards the information I need to make this work. If this is not possible is there at least a way to limit what attachments can go on what weapons. I realize this sounds like a step backwards and in all honesty it is but for what i have in mind certain weapon/attachment combinations would break the balance i am trying to achieve. Thank you in advance for any assistance anyone is willing to provide.