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Posts posted by stingray_

  1. That's unfortunate, I'm going to try anyway. Before I begin tackling it on the DS though, I am trying to get it to run locally. However, the import/export process doesn't appear to be initiating. I have tried running single player and multiplayer (self hosted LAN) and neither appear to prompt anything in terms of import/export. I've looked at the relay log and i see a couple lines that seem to be errors. Any thoughts on what might be causing the process to not start? 


    8/9/2018 09:33:48 :: Listener.Listen :: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
    8/9/2018 09:34:46 :: SendPipeMessage :: Error: Pipe is broken.
    8/9/2018 09:34:46 :: Listener.AcceptCallback :: Connection failed during connection acceptance. More info: Cannot access a disposed object.
    Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.


    PS. I'm using no other mods and I"m running in Admin mode.

  2. 1 hour ago, Janez said:



    Off topic but am I the only one who prefers documentaries from '40 through '90 when narrator wasn't about to murder somebody any minute and "epic" music wasn't playing in background throughout the whole thing? One watches this sort of thing to learn something, not to be "entertained".

    No, i miss the old history channel documentaries. This one is for sure over produced but it's what I found with the quick google search.

  3. On 9/27/2017 at 1:47 PM, Beagle said:

    But stab on should not end like an fire and forget Autolock which it simply is not. Shooting from stationary position must retain its tactical advantage in reloading speed and precision, because that's just the real advantage a good stationary defense or attack position gives tanks RL. It is also the main reason why tactics exist that only have half of the platoon movine,  while the rear guard covers.


    Agreed, i'm not looking for target tracking, more position tracking.


    To clarify, in Arma, if a tank is driving North (bearing 0) with the turret facing North East (bearing 45) tracking a stationary target at a certain range. As the tank drives, if no input is provided into the gun, the turret will continue to face a relative compass bearing of 45 degrees. However, if the gunner wants to maintain current target, the gunner must continue to slew the gun at a increased rate based dependent on speed and distance to the target. 


    IRL, this constant aim maintenance is handled by the FCS and as long as the vehicle doesn't go up or down extreme hills making the gun move outside of it's elevation limits, the gunner can maintain aim on a static target with no input necessary. This is what I want. This was a major contributing factor to why The Battle of 73 Easting was so one sided...



  4. I am still new to Arma modeling. I am trying to create a tank model (self guided tutorial) and I am running into an issue with the tanks FCS. When using the samples_f Test_Tank_01, the turret appears to fire below the targeted position. I am using [T] to lase the target and changing the range manually using [page up] and [page down] but it still isn't hitting the spot at which I am aiming. Changing the range does change the aim point, just not correctly. Any thoughts on what I'm missing?


    No other mods active.

  5. I am building my first tank model in Arma and struggling with an issue with the weapon firing clouds. I am going through the BIS samples_f to learn (specifically Test_Tank_01) and am having an issue with the firing clouds. In the sample tank, when firing the commander's weapon, there is a puff of smoke from the relative location of the coaxial machine gun of the main turret. I'm assuming there is a memory point conflict that is causing this but can't seem to figure out which one.


    By default,

    COAX: `memoryPointGun = usti hlavne2`  ||  CMDR: `usti hlavne3`

    COAX: `selectionFireAnim = zasleh2`  ||  CMDR: `zasleh3`


    If you have a solution or any advice on where I should look to resolve this it would be greatly appreciated.


    • Like 1

  6. I am trying to develop an addon that adds event handlers and other features to all missions without needing to build this functionality into each mission I build. I have been digging through community addons like ACE trying to determine how this is done but nothing stands out. Basically, I want the features I write to always be active similar to how many of the ACE modules activate. 


    For instance, the ACE advanced throwing doesn't need to be enabled, it just is. I realize aspects can be disabled by dropping the module in Eden and changing the settings in said module. However, this module doesn't need to be placed to get something like advanced throwing to work.


    In digging through the config viewer I have seen things like ``configfile >> "CfgAddons" >> "PreloadAddons"`` but I don't see mention to many ACE features that are automatically activated. 


    Can someone advise where in the config.cpp this behavior is defined?

  7. Looking to do this on the fly in a mission. By which i mean, i start the mission with a M4 w/ M320 attached. While engaged, player is told by TL to pass the M320 off to another member of the team so the player detaches the M320 and passes it off but maintains his M4, now without an M320. Like I said, I am sure I could script this easy enough, just wondered if it has been done. 

  8. Hello, I am trying to add a simple action to a unit and am failing at the most basic step. Below is what I am running in the Extended Debug Console.

    player addAction ["Hello World", "hint 'Hello'", nil, 1, false, true, "", true, 0, false, ""]

    I understand the syntax is as follows,

    object addAction [title, script, arguments, priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut, condition, radius, unconscious, selection]

    Ref: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction


    However, when i execute this statement, I get the following error. 

    'player |#|addAction ["Hello World", "hint 'Hello'"...' Error 11 elements provided, 3 expected.

    I have also tried {} instead of "" around the code and that doesn't fix it. It works if i remove everything to the right of the script element but I want to eventually change the condition. Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?

  9. Hello, I am trying to add a simple action to a unit and am failing at the most basic step. Below is what I am running in the Extended Debug Console.

    player addAction ["Hello World", "hint 'Hello'", nil, 1, false, true, "", true, 0, false, ""]

    I understand the syntax is as follows,

    object addAction [title, script, arguments, priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut, condition, radius, unconscious, selection]

    Ref: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction


    However, when i execute this statement, I get the following error. 

    'player |#|addAction ["Hello World", "hint 'Hello'"...' Error 11 elements provided, 3 expected.

    I have also tried {} instead of "" around the code and that doesn't fix it. It works if i remove everything to the right of the script element but I want to eventually change the condition. Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
