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Mark XIII (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mark XIII (DayZ)

  1. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    WarFX Particles

    Fantastic news OS :D Been looking forward to this for some time now, and going by your previous releases. We're all gonna be very happy soon enough. Thanks for the hard work. I'll post feedback after a good testing. Woo can't wait !
  2. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    IkaR's F14 comes to Arma2

    Nice work on the F14, thankyou, now we have a 2 seater blurfor Jet at last ! A good one at that :D Made me smile that :D
  3. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    US Infantry - 2008

    Why thankyou kind sir :)
  4. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

    Ben Endless I can't speak for SNKMAN, but this is a lovely idea mate! If you want to help him make sure they are mono .wav files. I forget what sample rate SNKMAN uses for his sounds but I'd say send them to him in 44khz. If he wants to convert them down its easy enough to do. Again, nice one. Its really nice to see people offering help !
  5. keep ya chin up boss! You got alot of folk here backing you mate, including me. Just shout me an I'll start swimming your way.. ;)
  6. Stargun Hahaha, this is a bis sound issue at least for the time being, I'll explain.. The HiFi Environment module only 'overwrites' about 50% of the bis sounds. These are split into to catagories. Loops and single shot sounds. I have replaced all of the loops and afew of the weather related single shot sounds (ie thunder). The other single shot sounds (animals/insects) are those you are refering to. My next task regarding HiFi Environment are these sounds. I'm not sure, its possible I guess, we're gonna need to look at the dampening effect anyways, we may need it to stop the birds and insects invading our cockpits.. I can quite happily extend the winddown sound of all the engines. I think they are roughly 10-15 seconds long atm. I can do this with the startups too but it sounds gay when the AI blackhawk takes off while he's still starting up. The AI pilots do not mess about, as soon as lift is achievable they are gone. This is why both the startups and winddowns are fairly short. Too keep the immersion. But, in the end, if you guys think different, I'll change it Hmmmm, thats odd. Well, fair to say thats a coding problem not a sound issue, I'll leave that to andersson to answer. I can however extend the (extremely short) sound sample. So when you do shutdown properly it doesn't sound like a tranformer powering down... :) Kolt For longer answer scroll up abit, the short answer. We're on it like a rash ;) AnimalMother92 The Owls name is Mr Scrappy. He's a very special owl. for the time being you'll hear him alot. he'll always follow you, yet you will never see him.. He's a ghost owl... So no, you won't be eating him Bet ;) Mr Scrappy currently resides within the main ambient loop. He will be moving soon to a better home soon... But don't think for one minute he's leaving, the next time you hear him, it will probably scare you more. I understand that owls are abit cliched. But, I don't really care. Mr Scrappy.. Or scraps as I call him is from a church here in good ole blighty. He suits the vanilla islands perfectly :) . However, I can see me making more than one module to cover the many community based islands as well.. I don't think scraps would last long on the harsh winter/desert style islands ;)
  7. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

    Well, so far 1 word. AMAZING. :)
  8. albertors Thats great buddy, glad your enjoying our work :D We look forward to seeing more ! Jimbo05 I'm currently working on the C130J and noticed this myself. So not to worry, I've managed to fix it for the Herc so should be no probs for the others. Its a config volume thing. There have been afew sound issues found since last week, I'll bel looking into them as I go...Oh and I've not forgot the FFAR's Alex ;) I'm using my spare time right now to work up the Arty. Andersson supplied me with what can only be said as 'the mother of all configs' ..hehehe, I'll be explaining more about that when I get it up and running ;) Thats about it for now, I'd like to thank Alex72 for helping me today and SNKMAN for releasing GL4 update !
  9. Hahahaha, awesome mate, really cool. Love the bit at the end as well.. You could take the hanger with you, as added protection :D
  10. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

    Thankyou very much mate, you know I've been waiting for this since we last spoke ;) Appreciate the effort :D
  11. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

    Heya mate, The readme makes this look awesome, however I'm not having any luck with the link you put up for downloading. :( Could you check it ? Thanks mate :)
  12. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

    Well.... You are the (SNK)MAN ! Wow mate you work like a trooper and thats excellent news, thanks for considering the idea in the first place ;) I hope the folks like it :D Btw, Mate, if you find anything in the latest HiFi you like and can use, just pm me. Or if you need anything soundwise making up, again I'm just a shout away ;)
  13. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

    Nice quote mate ! Do you realise he's talking about you also ;) Btw, REALLY looking forward to see what new goodies your adding this time. You always give us clues but there's nothing like actually playing one of your new releases... :) P.s.. No luck on the radio backpack model :( P.p.s.. GL4 FTW !!!
  14. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    JTD Flies

    small but perfect little addons like this increase the immersion 10 fold, excellent work as usual :D All we need now is SmellOvision....
  15. Hi, Sorry for my delay in posting any news, I've been having major connection issues over the last few days which typically could not have come at a worse time .. Tuesday evening I was looking forward to joining the guys at Kellys Heroes for my first 'big' game. I spend so much time editing I rarely get to play these days, so I was really looking forward to actually playing..Anyways, long story short I didn't get to play with the lads due to my poor connection (I actually made it worse by fiddling with it trying to fix it..) Anyways, I'd just like to take this opportunity to say a MASSIVE thankyou to all involved on Tuesdays event. Even though I only lasted about 7 minutes on the server I could tell it was going to be a corker of a game :D (These guys even waited abit for me to return...) So again, thankyou ALL @KH, especially Jman & Cross who are forever helpful. EDIT: Jman managed to record the mission, all 2 hours of it ! Its epic and more to the point its all HiFi sounds. If you wanna swing by and check it out.. http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/ArmA2/vids/ Also, I was hoping to work up some Ace2 modules along with another member of the BIS forums but sadly this isn't going to happen. All it means is delays, since Andersson is busy bug fixing and won't be looking at the ace configs for some time and I myself have tried to make some replacements but to no avail... If you would like to help, and have some config knowledge please get intouch ! It would speed up the process considerably. O, another thing.. If I can get everything tidy and start/finish the Arty the next release won't be a beta ;) and since its a milestone release it shall be released on both addonsync and regular mirrors. However, if your a true HiFi fan I strongly suggest sticking with addonsync since I'll be popping some extra bits on there when I get some time.... As regards to compatiblity with other sound mods... WE DON'T USE OTHER SOUNDS MODS ROUND HERE ;) and finally... Thankyou so much for all the support and feedback you've given us so far. Nice comments keep the moral up and bug posting keeps Andersson in a job :D Special thanks to; Miller and Fox for the mirrors Banderas for his efforts Albertors for his video previews Right I'm off before I get dropped again....
  16. Hi, Seems things got alittle messy.. You see this is why I normally don't do beta's. But on the other hand as Andersson says the feedback regarding bugs has been brilliant. I'm really happy the majority of the community taken this release for what it is, still a shame to see comparisons made and the whole 'my generic sound mod is better than HiFi' thing.. but thats gonna happen regardless. This, in some ways is rougher than anything I've done before 'No readme's, etc'. But, I'm more than happy with the sounds, they stand on there own. Now KH Cross last night updated the regular and Yoma links with Anderssons fixed modules. Thx Cross ;) I'm going to state now that there will be NO more regular mirrors after the next set of fixes, at least from KH or myself. Wether you guys like it or not, Addonsync works for me best in the way I can keep updating it myself and simply create a changelog. Time I spend typing, is time I can be editing simple as that. Besides, we're not stopping anyone uploading it somewhere after they have grabbed it off addonsync, the only issue with this is making sure things stay uptodate.... Anyways, sorry for the mess ;) I hope you enjoy the chaos we made :D
  17. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    RH MGS wpn pack 1.1

    Dude, you rule !!!! Thankyou :D
  18. Front page updated, please take the time to read... Yoma & regular link available. please though, if you know how to use yoma's addonsync please do. The 'standard' complete package is on a TEMP mirror. so please some mirrors would be appreciated.
  19. Sorry guys, I was hoping someone would mirror it but it appears otherwise. I'll try to organise something but my net speed isn't the best tonight.. Again sorry.
  20. Hi, I'll do a 'proper' announcement for its release shortly as well as updating the front page. I've got something I'd like to say and need to think about my wording :D Till then, Have a good one ;)
  21. I get ya mate ;) me too...
  22. If some kind folks want to mirror a 'version' and then update it that would be nice, but to be honest I won't be doing it myself. Yomasync is great for addon makers like me, alows me to update alot without the constant posting and other none-sound related stuff that comes with the job :D
  23. Heya, Yeah Andersson its my fault, and its no problem to release offically :) but thanks for the thought ! EDIT: Das Attorney Yes sorry mate I did, and thanks for the heads up :D
  24. Hi guys, Thanks for the comments and feedback on the last beta release of the weapons pack. I went away and cooked up some new modules based on some suggestions made by our external playtesters and comments you guys had made here. These new modules are going to be thoroughly tested in MP on a dedicated server for the next two weeks at least. However, if things go well and we don't find too many bugs, and the guys don't hate the new sounds a public release could come sooner. When I released the last beta, I added the Extra's folder which offered some additional modules, some of which were basically placeholders till I had the time to create better. Well, I've created better :) so come next release you should see the following; HiFi_Enviroment HiFi_Sonic_Cracks HiFi_Bullethits These modules have been completely rewritten along with lots of addition content. I personally don't consider them beta's but we'll see what you think... Like I've said previously HiFi is changing, the way we offer our material to you will change also. Watch this space for details or check over at our official forums @Kellys Heroes :) EDIT Disclaimer I would like to state that I take no responsibilty for any damage that may occure to equipement or persons whilst using latest HiFi modules, in particular the weapons & explosions, which are extremely loud in first person compared to other releases. Thankyou.
  25. Mark XIII (DayZ)

    RUG High Dispersion (Beta test)

    Hi mate, I've had a play with the addon and have to say, great work so far.. I've not had any issues yet but do have a small request. However, I'm unsure if it will fit in with your current work. Anyways, I'll tell ya about it... Remember back in the OFP/A1 days when the Ai would attack ANYTHING with RPG's ?? I'd like to see that back please :D Seems to me it would fit in perfectly with the user made missions coming out atm. Lets be honest, the taliban/ANA use the RPG7 to mow their laws ffs.... LOL Having this feature would make 'insurgent' battles more dare I say...'Realistic'... within that scenerio at least ! Anyhow, just an idea. Don't shoot me :P