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About ZU23

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    Private First Class

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  1. Is there a way to make it work after player is dead inside the vehicle, doesnt seem to delete if player dies inside of it EDIT: nvm got it working with this condition waitUntil {(alive _plyr isEqualTo false) OR (_plyr distance _veh > 25) AND ({alive _x} count (crew vehicle _veh) == 0)};
  2. Hi can someone explain why this script refuses to work, Im trying to make vehicles delete after player moves 25 meter+ away from it. []spawn { while {true} do { { _vehicle = vehicle _x; waitUntil {(isNull driver _vehicle isEqualTo false)}; _driver = driver _vehicle; waitUntil {(count crew _vehicle == 0) AND (_driver distance _vehicle > 25)}; deleteVehicle _vehicle; } forEach allUnits; sleep 5; }; };
  3. And just as I thought, everything was overcomplicated in the link you provided with a bunch of scripts that had nothing to do with anything I wanted, all I had to do was add this in the event handler. (_this select 0) call BIS_fnc_reviveEhHandleDamage; And problem solved. You shouldnt even bother to answer a thread if you refuse to help tbh
  4. Ok then why dont you just tell me what I need to write then? I tried the scripts and I only get errors or failures
  5. It didnt sorry. I tried adding the waitUntil{ !isNil { _unit getVariable "bis_revive_ehDamage" } }; to my script but it only disabled the damage multiplier all together, the whole thread is filled with a bunch of different types of script and make it seem more complicated than it really is but idk
  6. Hi, Im having a problem using the standard BIS revive system when combined with a damage multiplier script I have. The vanilla revive system works flawlessly when the damage multiplier script is not in use however the player is always instantanously killed when the damage multiplier script is executed. Any help would be appreciated to make it work. This is what the script looks like []spawn { while {true} do { { if (_x getVariable["exempt",true]) then { _x addEventHandler["HandleDamage",{(_this select 2)*4}]; _x setVariable["exempt",false]; }; } forEach allUnits; sleep 5; }; };
  7. Because theres always problem with the activation deactivation thingy, hard to make loops. Is there no way to make it without a trigger?
  8. Hi, is there a way to use the "if" command to make a script using a timeout? I dont want to use triggers For example I want a script to be executed only when the player has been at the base constantly for a certain duration
  9. Hello, when a headless client connects to my server I can see on my ARMA 3 server list that there is an additional player on the server for each headless client. Does this show for anyone who scrolls through the ARMA 3 server list or only the host?
  10. Thanks, the key here was "(allUnits select _count)" got it working by simplifying it to this []spawn { while {true} do { { (_x) reveal [(allUnits select 0),1]; } forEach allUnits; }; };
  11. Hello Im trying to make a script that causes all of the AI to reveal all units on the map, I tried this but it did not work []spawn { while {true} do { { (_x) reveal [_x,1]; } forEach allUnits; }; };
  12. Hello I have tried to increase the gun smoke effect for certain weapons but I dont know how. I tried to change the GunFire and GunClouds settings in CfgWeapons but it had no effect, how do I do this?
  13. Hi, Im trying to make a script that makes an A164 fly by and once its within 200 meters from the player a bunch of bombs will be dropped to give the impression of a carpet bombing. The script will spawn the plane but it will not however spawn the bombs, I think it has something to do with the "if" command. _grp = createGroup WEST; _pilot = _grp createUnit ["B_Pilot_F", position player, [], 2000, "FORM"]; _plane = "B_plane_CAS_01_F" createVehicle getPos _pilot; _plane setPos [getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 500]; _pilot setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _pilot setCombatMode "BLUE"; _pilot moveInDriver _plane; _pilot move position player; _pilot flyInHeight 200; _distance = player distance2D _plane; if (_distance < 200) then {([_plane,"Sh_82mm_AMOS",100,10,0.25] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual)};
  14. ZU23

    High AI casualties

    Well I would have to disagree with you that the positions are vulnerable, because it seems to me nothing short of a direct hit will kill a unit crouched in surrounding sandbags. I've even used the "fire mission" waypoint against a unit in a small fortification with a platoon of howitzers and through out the fire mission it survived the whole barrage
  15. ZU23

    High AI casualties

    Isnt there already a built in suppression system? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_AI_Behavior#Suppression