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Posts posted by Ry4nD

  1. Just wondering if you thought about adding my support requester for your missions? https://github.com/rcantec/Support-Requester 


    All of my pre-packed pbo's have examples if you want to see how I have it working, you can whitelist player slots, it's simple and works on multiplayer, even when you respawn, as based on player class. ;-) 


    I love your missions the way they are, just would be nice to have a functional exfil, and cas, arty... :don11:

  2. If using a specified modded enemy unit, just create a new class in eos, or change the current class found in Malden_Insurgency_R6.Malden/eos/UnitPools.sqf go to the section 

    	if (_faction==5) then {
    	_InfPool=	[];	
    	_ArmPool=	[];
    	_MotPool=	[];
    	_ACHPool=	[];
    	_CHPool=	[];
    	_uavPool=	[];
    	_stPool=	[];
    	_shipPool=	[];
    	_diverPool=	[];
    	_crewPool=	[];
    	_heliCrew=	[];

    then go to Malden_Insurgency_R6.Malden/eos/OpenMe.sqf and change null = [["mrk1","mrk2"],[1,1],[1,2],[0,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[0,0,500,EAST,FALSE]] call EOS_Spawn; whereas the faction can be adjusted, 


    So for example 

    	if (_faction==5) then {
    	_InfPool=	["CUP_O_sla_Soldier_AA","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_AAT","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_AMG","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_HAT","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_AR","CUP_O_sla_Engineer","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_GL","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_MG","CUP_O_sla_Medic","CUP_O_sla_Officer","CUP_O_sla_Soldier","CUP_O_SLA_Soldier_Backpack","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_LAT","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_AT","CUP_O_sla_Sniper","CUP_O_sla_Sniper_KSVK","CUP_O_SLA_Sniper_SVD_Night","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_AKS_Night","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_AKS_74_GOSHAWK","CUP_O_SLA_Spotter","CUP_O_sla_Soldier_SL","CUP_O_sla_SpecOps_Demo","CUP_O_sla_SpecOps_LAT","CUP_O_sla_SpecOps","CUP_O_sla_SpecOps_MG","CUP_O_sla_SpecOps_TL"];	
    	_ArmPool=	["CUP_O_T55_SLA","CUP_O_T72_SLA","CUP_O_BM21_SLA","CUP_O_Ural_ZU23_SLA","CUP_O_ZSU23_SLA","CUP_O_ZSU23_Afghan_SLA"];
    	_ACHPool=	["CUP_O_Ka50_DL_SLA","CUP_O_Mi24_D_Dynamic_SLA","CUP_O_Su25_Dyn_SLA","CUP_O_SU34_SLA"];
    	_CHPool=	["CUP_O_Mi8_SLA_1","CUP_O_Mi8_SLA_2","CUP_O_Mi8_VIV_SLA","CUP_O_UH1H_SLA","CUP_O_UH1H_slick_SLA","CUP_O_C47_SLA"];
    	_uavPool=	[];
    	_stPool=	["CUP_O_AGS_SLA","CUP_O_D30_SLA","CUP_O_D30_AT_SLA","CUP_O_DSHKM_SLA","CUP_O_DSHKM_MiniTripod_SLA","CUP_O_2b14_82mm_SLA","CUP_O_SPG9_SLA","CUP_O_ZU23_SLA"];
    	_shipPool=	["CUP_O_PBX_SLA"];
    	_diverPool=	[];
    	_crewPool=	["CUP_O_sla_Crew","CUP_O_SLA_Soldier_Backpack","CUP_O_sla_Soldier","CUP_O_sla_Officer"];
    	_heliCrew=	["CUP_O_sla_Pilot","CUP_O_sla_Crew"];


  3. On 06/06/2018 at 6:48 AM, R0adki11 said:


    Is there any documentation on making this work with mods? As i would like to convert it from Vanilla to Unsung units.

    Yes it is 100% compatible with mods, just load the mission with the mods loaded in the launcher, if you want to port the mission over to another map, just load the mod, and open the mission, copy everything and paste into a new map. You would have to adjust the markers, and assets as some objects may be floating for elevation difference. ;-)

  4. On 23/05/2018 at 7:26 AM, avibird 1 said:

    @Doctor-Vanilla if you could get this to work using team switch it would be greatly appreciated and need it with this basic function that should have been included in the vanilla game Avibird

    Again, I am not familiar with teamswitch. Sorry. It works as intended for multiplayer, as designed. If you change your player class, you lose the ability to call in support.

  5. My latest mission I have it setup like this;


    //Support Requester By RCANTEC(RyanD) 2018
    _this select 0 synchronizeObjectsAdd [SupportRequester];
    SupportRequester synchronizeObjectsAdd [_this select 0];
    BIS_supp_refresh = TRUE;
    publicVariable "BIS_supp_refresh";
    if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "rhsusf_army_ocp_squadleader", "rhsusf_army_ocp_teamleader", "rhsusf_socom_marsoc_teamleader", "rhsusf_socom_marsoc_teamchief", "rhsusf_socom_marsoc_sniper") then {
    [_this select 0, SupportRequester, ArtilleryProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, SupportRequester, CasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, SupportRequester, TransportProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, SupportRequester, AmmoProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, SupportRequester, HelicasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;

    Works just fine, not sure about the teamswitch though, I can't find any information regarding. I may update the github, once I test this configuration some more. 

    • Like 1

  6. Tembelan_Insurgency

    Insurgency style mission, complete with all the tools you need for a full MILSIM experience. This is the 1st edition of the mission and is a WIP, a unique experience. This mission is designed for a multiplayer environment, however you can also enjoy it in single player. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


    Steam Link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1392508846


    Git clone https://github.com/rcantec/Trembelan_Insurgency.Tembelan.git

    Discord for questions or help with the mission. CANADIAN MILSIM

    If you want to try the mission you can test it on my public server link in Discord.

    To play this mission no addons are required. The mission is compatible with addons.

    To begin using the Software;

    Move the file into the following directory (assuming you have the Steam version of ArmA 3);

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions

    Special thanks to BangaBob, Engima, cobra4v320 and PHRONK for the use of their scripts to make some things happen. The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk.

    This mission is (c) 2018 RCANTEC(RyanD) www.rytechlab.com rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

  7. On 15/05/2018 at 1:01 PM, Larrow said:

    No need to do this part as the following call to BIS_fnc_addSupportLink already does this for you.


    Only if they are players. BIS_supp_refresh causes any supports to refresh their users, but if they are not a player they are ignored.


    You will need to run the code once the player has changed into the appropriate unit. There are also many other variables needed on the player object for supports to work properly.


    This will transfer all supports and their providers to the unit the player team switches into. No used support amounts are transferred and everything is reset as if from fresh.

      Reveal hidden contents
    addMissionEventHandler [ "TeamSwitch", {
    	_nul = _this spawn {
    		params[ "_from", "_to" ];
    		_allrequestors = synchronizedObjects _from select { typeOf _x == "SupportRequester" };
    		_requestProviders = _allrequestors apply { synchronizedObjects _x select { typeOf _x in BIS_SUPP_providerTypes } };
    		waitUntil { player isEqualTo _to };
    			_requestor = _x;
    					_provider = _x;
    					[ _to, _requestor, _provider ] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    				}forEach _x;
    			}forEach _requestProviders;
    		}forEach _allrequestors;
    			_to setVariable [format ["BIS_SUPP_used_%1", _x], 0, true]
    		} forEach [
    		_to setVariable ["BIS_SUPP_transmitting", false, true];
    		if (!(_to kbHasTopic "BIS_SUPP_protocol")) then {
    			_to kbAddTopic ["BIS_SUPP_protocol", "A3\Modules_F\supports\kb\protocol.bikb", "A3\Modules_F\supports\kb\protocol.fsm", {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "A3\Modules_F\supports\kb\protocol.sqf"}]
    		if (isNil {_to getVariable "BIS_SUPP_HQ"}) then {
    			_to setVariable ["BIS_SUPP_HQ", missionNamespace getVariable format ["BIS_SUPP_HQ_%1", side group _to ]]



    This will setup support access from the named requester and it providers, when the player team switches into a unit of a specific type or named unit.

      Reveal hidden contents
    TAG_allowedSupportUnitTypes = [ "B_T_Sniper_F" ]; //Or/And unit var names
    TAG_supportRequestors = [ NameGivenToRequestorModules ];
    addMissionEventHandler [ "TeamSwitch", {
    	_nul = _this spawn {
    		params[ "_from", "_to" ];
    		if ( _to in TAG_allowedSupportUnitTypes || { { typeOf _to == _x }count TAG_allowedSupportUnitTypes > 0 } ) then {
    			_requestProviders = TAG_supportRequestors apply { synchronizedObjects _x select { typeOf _x in BIS_SUPP_providerTypes } };
    			waitUntil { player isEqualTo _to };
    				_requestor = _x;
    						_provider = _x;
    						[ _to, _requestor, _provider ] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    					}forEach _x;
    				}forEach _requestProviders;
    			}forEach TAG_supportRequestors;
    				_to setVariable [format ["BIS_SUPP_used_%1", _x], 0, true]
    			} forEach [
    			_to setVariable ["BIS_SUPP_transmitting", false, true];
    			if (!(_to kbHasTopic "BIS_SUPP_protocol")) then {
    				_to kbAddTopic ["BIS_SUPP_protocol", "A3\Modules_F\supports\kb\protocol.bikb", "A3\Modules_F\supports\kb\protocol.fsm", {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "A3\Modules_F\supports\kb\protocol.sqf"}]
    			if (isNil {_to getVariable "BIS_SUPP_HQ"}) then {
    				_to setVariable ["BIS_SUPP_HQ", missionNamespace getVariable format ["BIS_SUPP_HQ_%1", side group _to ]]



    Both of these rely on mission teamSwitch EH so will need to be applied during intPlayerLocal.sqf or equivalent. Have put through very little testing so may still need some adjusting, I have just quickly put something together to get you heading in the right direction. Its pretty much the same as previous code I have shared on this forum, without the extra code to transfer support used counts.

    "BIS_supp_refresh" is needed to make the support repeatable in multiplayer. Otherwise after you use it the first time, It disappears. 

  8. On 15/05/2018 at 4:00 PM, avibird 1 said:

    @Larrow hi I think you give me that code block a while back. Yes it give the human player the ability to have the support with ever unit he team switches into very cool but not may preference. 


    I usually play with a few squads of playabke/switchable units. I prefer that each squad has the ability to use certain things and if that unit goes down that's the way the cookie crumbles lol. I appreciate your input but the the Doctor vanilla made it sound that it would work with the team switch enabled to the various classes of units defined in the script. 


    Unfortunately I never understood why he Bohemia never made the modules for multiplayer with access from multiple units to use it.


    I am sorry I am not familiar with teamswitch, I have never used that. The support works based on the player class, and they have to be a playable unit. If you enable it for each playable unit, every playable unit will have the support. I am not sure how I can help you. 

  9. On 11/05/2018 at 11:21 PM, avibird 1 said:

    I have a script code block that allows the player to keep their request modules  link to him during teamswitch into any unit. But  that's not exactly what I want. I just want to have the ability to have one unit within a  Squad  to have the ability but have multiple squads in a mission each with one unit who has the ability.

    Yes, so define a TL in each squad, and then all TL will have the support. 

  10. On 11/05/2018 at 8:04 PM, f2k sel said:

    I took a look to see if it would work in SP as it looks like it should if it works in MP  but it gives the same result only first unit has support.

    I also tried using onteamswitch to run the code again but it still doesn't work.

    Yes only the defined unit will have support B_T_Sniper_F anyone else in the group does not have it. If you want additional units to have the same abilities, you can just whitelist them, as defined by their class name. 
