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Posts posted by Ry4nD

  1. 21 hours ago, kauppapekka said:

    I'd say the easiest way would be to just check the units class name and give the supports based on that.

    if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "B_Soldier_TL_F") then {
    if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "B_recon_JTAC_F") then {

    You can get the class names from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Assets

    Or in Eden editor by:
    • Hovering mouse over the object
    • Right clicking the object > Log > Log Classes to Clipboard

    Yes brilliant, works like a charm ~ 

    if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_squadleader") then {
    [_this select 0, ArtilleryRequester, ArtilleryProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, CasRequester, CasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, TransportRequester, TransportProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, AmmoRequester, AmmoProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, HelicasRequester, HelicasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "rhsusf_socom_marsoc_teamleader") then {
    [_this select 0, ArtilleryRequester, ArtilleryProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, CasRequester, CasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, TransportRequester, TransportProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, AmmoRequester, AmmoProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, HelicasRequester, HelicasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_sniper") then {
    [_this select 0, ArtilleryRequester, ArtilleryProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, CasRequester, CasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, TransportRequester, TransportProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, AmmoRequester, AmmoProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, HelicasRequester, HelicasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;

    Thank you so much mate.

  2. 9 hours ago, kauppapekka said:

    I'd say the easiest way would be to just check the units class name and give the supports based on that.

    if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "B_Soldier_TL_F") then {
    if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "B_recon_JTAC_F") then {

    You can get the class names from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Assets

    Or in Eden editor by:
    • Hovering mouse over the object
    • Right clicking the object > Log > Log Classes to Clipboard

    Ok, so if you link traditionally from the requester to the unit, that won't work right? 


    The only issue I had last night was once me and another player used a support, the support was gone, also once I spawned a few times I lost all support until I went back to the lobby and came back. Any idea?


    I will try your class method on my next mission update and see how it goes! 


    Again thank you so much



  3. On 4/23/2017 at 6:41 AM, kauppapekka said:

    Hard to tell from that what went wrong but:

    I placed down a Support Requester module variable named ArtilleryRequester and a Support Provider: Artillery (Virtual) module variable named ArtilleryProvider.

    Created initPlayerLocal.sqf file and placed this:

    [_this select 0, ArtilleryRequester, ArtilleryProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;

    And it works.

    Also the correct place for the function is initPlayerLocal.sqf if one wants that its synchronization checks work properly.

    Hey mate, I got it working! Thank you so much, created a file containing 

    [_this select 0, ArtilleryRequester, ArtilleryProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, CasRequester, CasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, TransportRequester, TransportProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, AmmoRequester, AmmoProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, HelicasRequester, HelicasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;

    added modules and it's flawless. Now I just have to figure out how to make it available only to Team-leaders, and JTAC!


    Again thank you so much!

  4. On 4/23/2017 at 6:41 AM, kauppapekka said:

    Hard to tell from that what went wrong but:

    I placed down a Support Requester module variable named ArtilleryRequester and a Support Provider: Artillery (Virtual) module variable named ArtilleryProvider.

    Created initPlayerLocal.sqf file and placed this:

    [_this select 0, ArtilleryRequester, ArtilleryProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;

    And it works.

    Also the correct place for the function is initPlayerLocal.sqf if one wants that its synchronization checks work properly.

    Copy that, I am just doing some research on the ~initPlayerLocal.sqf~ I will do my best to describe my current layout and idea. Agaiin thank you for your reply. I am slowly and surely learning the support system!

  5. 13 hours ago, kauppapekka said:

    You name/define the modules and then just put this into one of the initPlayer:

    [_this select 0, yourRequesterModule, yourProviderModule] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;

    Of course if you don't want everyone to have supports you need to make some conditions.

    I get an error can't figure it out init local variable in global space. :down:

  6. 13 hours ago, kauppapekka said:

    You name/define the modules and then just put this into one of the initPlayer:

    [_this select 0, yourRequesterModule, yourProviderModule] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;

    Of course if you don't want everyone to have supports you need to make some conditions.

    I will give it a go! Thank you for your reply

  7. On 4/21/2017 at 4:48 AM, kauppapekka said:


    Using that function in initPlayerServer.sqf (or possibly initPlayerLocal.sqf) should do the job.



    I could try to add this code to a initPlayerLocal.sqf, 


    I have initPlayerServer.sqf contains for zeus 

    	if (!isnull (getassignedcuratorunit _x)) then {
    		_unit = getassignedcuratorunit _x;
    		if (isnull (getassignedcuratorlogic _unit)) then {
    			unassignCurator _x;
    			sleep 1;
    			_unit assignCurator _x;
    } foreach allcurators;

    noob question do I just create a initPlayerLocal.sqf and include 

    	Adds support types during a mission.
    	_this select 0: OBJECT - Requester unit
    	_this select 1: OBJECT - Requester module
    	_this select 2: OBJECT - Provider module

    Or does it need to be linked to the support modules somehow?

  8. I have made several multi player missions that I host on my servers, I have done endless searching with no success. Currently I have support for JTAC slots and Team Leaders that works great, Artillery, Helicopter CAS, A-10 CAS, Helicopter Transport and Ammo box drops. My problem is that it only works for the first player connecting and if that player disconnects and reconnects the support option is gone, the support will only work again upon mission restart, or if a group of players are all connected at once and then the mission is restarted. I am completely baffled as to why this occurs. So basically for a large group to enjoy the support system, the only way is if I restart the mission while everyone is connected, if everyone disconnects and re-connects I would have to repeat the process. For another example, lets say I start the server fresh, I join as the first player, I will indeed have the support working correctly as it is intended, however if I disconnect, or even go to the lobby to change a slot say from medic to engineer, the support is lost, even while still connected to the server. Now if I fully disconnect and then rejoin the server following a restart, the support is lost again. The supports are placed in the mission file with the vanilla Arma support modules and setup as instructed in the wiki, and do in fact function correctly. Please can someone provide a remedy for this? As I desire to keep the server running for a longer period to save progress on the mission, without have to restart all the time for players to enjoy the supports. Also as my mission is multi faction, Opfor as well as AAF have support requester and playable slots as well, the same occurrence regardless of faction or side. Thank you for your time reading my requested help, Good day.

  9. 5 hours ago, Robalo said:


    You should try as dmarkwick already suggested few posts back, add a delay. Stamina is enabled on player on init and on teamswitch while it gets disabled for AI in player's group.

    Thank you for your reply, I did not try his suggestion as he stated it was a test, meaning not tested. I already have a stamina disable in my init~ 

    waitUntil {!isnull player};
    player enableStamina false;
    player setCustomAimCoef 0;
    player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {player enableStamina  false}];
    player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {player setCustomAimCoef  0}];

    His suggestion is the only remedy? 

    Again thank you for the reply, unfortunately I have had to remove the mod from my servers until I can find a work around, as my players like the way stamin is at the moment. 



  10. On 4/5/2017 at 8:36 AM, Savage_Donkey said:

    It's because ACE uses an advanced stamina system to determine stamina and all that.  If you don't want any of ACE's stamina features, you can either delete ace_advanced_fatigue.pbo, or set fatigue disabled in the advanced stamina module.



    Click on the gray bar at the top of the quote and hit the delete key.



    Hey thank you, I will try this! 

  11. Hi guys, I have done extensive googling, can't figure out how to disable the stamina for players, I have a script that this mod overrides. It does not affect the ace missions, only my non ace missions. Any ideas? currently I use 

    if (hasinterface) then {
    waitUntil {!isnull player};
    player enableStamina false;
    player setCustomAimCoef 0;
    player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {player enableStamina false}];
    player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {player setCustomAimCoef 0}];

    When I enable this mod on my servers, stamina comes back? 

    I am 100% puzzled.


    Thank you in advanced.

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