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Everything posted by NCONE

  1. NCONE

    Pook UGV Pack

    hi ty for your awsome mod. we have a problem with 2 models of your ugvs. for example when you spawn maars everything is ok but for me ugv is above the surface a little . u can chek these screenshots . this problem is for maars m-240 (not aa-12) and Adunok-M in PKT . can u fix this plz? we want to add this mod to our clan but this problem is annoying . screenshot: https://www.mediafire.com/file/uuf492g7vketluf/20210302145404_1.jpg/file
  2. hi m8 ty for your great mod i have question . can u give me the config that you used for your GAZs? im making a mod but i have problem with retextured gazs and the guners . i cant fix it 😞 i wana take a look to your gaz config to fix my mod if u let me. i cant understand it from in-game config viewer
  3. NCONE

    plz help me (retextture)

    I apologize if I TAKE your time.🙏 I DID THIS AND SAME PROBLEM AGAIN and i checked out the config and in config there is 👇 hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2" }; for base class of AH1Ws. only this. should i check somewhere else for it (hiddenselections) to figure out ?
  4. FIXED. I ADDED DIFFRENT TYPE OF TEXTURES DIRECTLY TO P3D FILES hi guys firs sorry for my english . i want to retexture ah1 from h u e y p a c k but there is problem. when i retexture ah1z_body_co.paa and ah1z_engine_co.paa it's ok. but when i want to add different types of textures to this helicopter with texturenames 1-ah1z_body1_co and ah1z_engine1_co 2-ah1z_body3_co and ah1z_engine3_co and changing hiddenselectionTexture in config to these textures, i can't retexture them to these types . and they still have default texture (ah1z_body_co and ah1z_engine_co ) i cant't fix this . do u know what should i do?i need your help 😞 this is config and i have unbinarize files of models and..
  5. NCONE

    plz help me (retextture)

    ahh not worked i made this but that problem again all of them have same texture as base classnames ah1w and ah1w_2 of orginal mod
  6. NCONE

    plz help me (retextture)

    ok i will try this again TY. NO the Author of this mod put the files for all in his topic.
  7. NCONE

    Remote Control

    works greaaaat. ty
  8. oh sorry i didn't notice :) !!!!!! i want to retxture foxhound . im not very pro in this case but for exam (picture) i retxtured f-14, i did this by using and retxturing the orginal body , wing and.... textures . now with your mod we dont have a skin and config template OR We dont have the body_CO.PAA &... textures because we dont have access and permission to use the orginal one that is in the pbo file to retxture it . how can we retexture your foxhound ? TY [sorry for eng ]
  9. Hi burnes ty for your wonderful mods. i have a ques . i want to retxture one of your mraps for our clan. but i cant do it without teh classnames and body textures of these mraps ! can u help us and give us a way for this ? :) ty