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About Mercuri

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  1. Un helicóptero del SAR estaría bien para próximas actualizaciones ;)
  2. Hi guys, when I drop my uniforms in the ground they don't look fold. Anyone knows how to fix that? left is the original and right one is the mine
  3. Thanks for helping, sent by PM ;) PD: is a small addon, just adds 3 new uniforms, combat_a is the name I gived to the arid version, _b for the woodland (boscoso in spanish) and _m for the multicam
  4. So I'm tryng that but I'm getting the error "the file \cgh_combat\cgh_combat\data\tx\combat.RVMAT can't be loaded" or something like that. Is that what you mean with the known issue? Any way to solve it? I'm editing it with notepad++, should I use any specific program? This is how the uniform config looks like:
  5. Edit: Its working, thank you! Seems like I broke my character_f pbo and checking cache validation in Steam solved it! Do you know what code should I change to make the model load an specific nolmal and specular texture?
  6. hi, im looking for a working link of a Nato fatigue uniform template
  7. Hi, thanks for answering, I done what you told me but still getting same error Shouldn't I change something in the cfgVehicles class?