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About ryuuku40360

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  1. Bonsoir Däz Pourrais t'on ce contacté via un serveur vocal j'ai discord et TS Je te remercie d'avance
  2. Bonjour, Le serveur fonctionne tres bien avec la mission de base "BMR Insurgency 1.44 alits" mais j'aurais souhaité la modifier . j'ai remarqué quelle etait en .PBO et qu'il me fallait un decompilateur du style PBO Manager.exe, donc avec ce logiciel j'ai effectivement reussi a la decompilé mais quand je l'insert dans mon MPMission (arma3 Editor) je modifie ma mission, et enregistre , je la recompile et au moment de vouloir la lancé sur le serveur(apres l'avoir remis sur le serveur), j'ai l'impression que la mission bug car je n'est pas de place visible dans le lobby. donc je pense que soit la mission et inmodifiable soit je fait quelque chose de mal . Ps: Je modifie bien le fichier .sqm dans l'eden editor . Hello, The server works very well with the basic mission "BMR Insurgency 1.44 alits" but I would have liked to modify it. I noticed that it was in .PBO and that I needed a decompiler of PBO style Manager.exe, so with this software I actually succeeded in the decompile but when I insert it in my MPMission (arma3 Editor) I Modifies my mission, and registers, I recompile and at the moment of wanting to launch it on the server (after having delivered it on the server), I have the impression that the mission bug because I is not visible In the lobby. So I think either mission is unmodifiable or I am doing something wrong. Ps: I modify the .sqm file in the eden editor.
  3. Bonjour, cela fait deja quelque jour que je fait des recherches afin de pouvoir modifier la mission "BMR_Insurgency.1.44.Altis.pbo". Aucun tuto n'existe pour expliqué sa, j'ai deja fait des test de mon coté avec le logiciel "PBO Manager" (pour compilé/recompilé) mais une fois lancé sur serveur dedié la mission n'affiche aucune place dans le lobby (Bug de la mission) je souahiterais surtout c'est modifier les vehicules present sur la map pour les changé avec les vehicules du mod JackFrench. Donc ne savant pas quoi faire je vient m'adressé ici pour avoir de l'aide (personne qui çi connait) serieuse Je vous rappel c'est pour la mission Arma 3 "BMR Insurgency 1.44 Altis qui est en PBO mais decompilable Je vous remercie d'avance pour toute aides apporté !!! PS: possibilité de ce contacté sur serveur vocal (Discord/Teamspeak) Hello, it is already some day that I researched in order to be able to modify the mission "BMR_Insurgency.1.44.Altis.pbo". No tutorial exists to explain its, I have already tested on my side with the software "PBO Manager" (for compiled / recompiled) but once launched on dedicated server the mission does not display any place in the lobby ( Bug of the mission) I would especially like to modify the vehicles present on the map to change them with the vehicles of the mod JackFrench. So not knowing what to do I just came here to get help (someone who knows) serious I remind you it is for mission Arma 3 "BMR Insurgency 1.44 Altis which is in PBO but decompilable Thank you in advance for any help made !!! PS: possibility of this contact on voice server (Discord / Teamspeak)
  4. ryuuku40360

    Simple ParaDrop Script

    Nice guy thank :)
  5. ryuuku40360

    What addons in custom missions

    Hello, I come to you because no other answer Here is my problem :, it is already three day that I researched in order to be able to modify the mission "BMR_Insurgency.1.44.Altis.pbo". No tutorial exists to explain its, "PBO Manager" (for compiled / recompiled) Bug of the mission I would like to modify the vehicles present on the map to change them with the vehicles of the mod JackFrench. I do not know what to do. I remind you it is for mission Arma 3 "BMR Insurgency 1.44 Altis which is in PBO decompilable purpose Thank you in advance for any help made !!! PS: possibility of this contact on voice server (Discord / Teamspeak) (I don't speak english (thank google traduction) only french or if you speak little french )
  6. Hello, I come to you because no other answer Here is my problem :, it is already three day that I researched in order to be able to modify the mission "BMR_Insurgency.1.44.Altis.pbo". No tutorial exists to explain its, "PBO Manager" (for compiled / recompiled) Bug of the mission I would like to modify the vehicles present on the map to change them with the vehicles of the mod JackFrench. I do not know what to do. I remind you it is for mission Arma 3 "BMR Insurgency 1.44 Altis which is in PBO decompilable purpose Thank you in advance for any help made !!! PS: possibility of this contact on voice server (Discord / Teamspeak) (I don't speak english (thank google traduction) only french or if you speak little french )