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Everything posted by Barney626

  1. Just had a poke around with eliteness. Just wanted to confirm that I should change the specular values to 0.4 so as to copy the lynx? Also forgot to mention that if I turn the weather to overcast the intended textures show up. Edit: Tried replacing the MK200_low_plastic.rvmat with a renamed MK200_low_metal.rvmat and had no effect.
  2. Hi all, not sure if this is in the right section so sorry if it isn't. I've been dabbling in weapon skins the past day or two. All my skins so far are based on black weapons so the base colour doesn't have an effect on the new skin. But I wanted to have a go at making the tan parts on a MK200 black. I tried just overlaying a black texture in photoshop but the parts just come out like this: http://i.imgur.com/trApSMn.png I tried using the Hue layer to turn down the saturation on the original tan sections but it still produces that bronze reflection. Any ideas how to get rid of this? I'm sure its something basic im missing but would really like to know. Cheers
  3. Found this guide: http://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma:texturing:rvmat But struggling to understand it due to my limited knowledge on how this stuff works. Also, it was last edited more than a year ago so not sure if it is up-to-date (Seems to be the main issue with a lot of guides on this topic)
  4. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    I've managed to get basic poses working. Now I'm trying to add custom items (like knives) and poses which interact with each other. An example of what I've managed to do so far:
  5. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    Managed to get some basic poses setup in a little scene... Couldn't have done it without you guys
  6. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    Ok, noob time. When I select my 'ArmaRig' by clicking on 'ArmaRig' in the right hand menu, then press Shift+D I get a duplicate of the framework but not the mesh. What am I doing wrong? Also, if I wanted the AI to hold a knife how would I do that? Would I need to find a knife model and put it into blender with the pose?
  7. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    Aha, I'd kill for that! Still haven't tried your method mondkalb, will do in a bit.
  8. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    I'll have a stab at that and report back in a bit, cheers!
  9. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    Wow, amazing work! So there is no way to do this so as to align two poses at the same time: Taken from: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8r8ej8kc9lr0ss6/Screenshot Tutorial.pdf?dl=0
  10. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    So poses like this: Just take a ton of trial and error by making the model, testing in game, editing the model, testing in game, editing the model, etc? No easy way to get just a visual representation of a pose in blender to build a new pose around?
  11. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Fixed by ticking the static pose box in the export menu of blender. One more question, when I'm doing poses which involve two or more AI (For example, one AI dragging another) How do I line them up? Can I port two charater models into blender and model it as one pose or is there another way to do it?
  12. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    Nice one! fixed it. Had to move the model out of the ground in blender but it seems I have finally figure out how to get the models in game! One more question, when I'm doing poses which involve two or more AI (For example, one AI dragging another) How do I line them up? Can I port two charater models into blender and model it as one pose or is there another way to do it? Thanks
  13. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Ok, was just a messed up RTM file. Did a new one from scratch and it ported in as the jesus half in ground pose. I saw other people had this issue but couldn't find a solution, any ideas?
  14. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    Ok problem solved. Looks like that RTM was just messed up somehow... Made a new pose from scratch and now I'm getting the 'Jesus half in ground' pose. I saw something about it on this thread earlier but cant seem to find it anymore, how do I fix this one?
  15. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    Not deliberately...
  16. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    I'm wondering whether it's a scaling issue? The back foot is in the right orientation but is enlarged and is much too far away from the rest of the body...
  17. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    This RTM was directly from blender :/ I just opened it in object builder to make sure it wasn't all messed up, clearly didn't work very well :P I wonder if it is a scaling issue?
  18. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    OK then, I found another post (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190062-wip-static-animations-pack/?page=14) which has pre-made static poses on it. Managed to work out how they were getting them in game and imitated it. But now I'm getting this: Is this a problem with my original RTM model or the config (which I basically hijacked from other static poses, just changed the file path)
  19. Barney626

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    Hi all, I'm having a bit of trouble and really need some help... I know this thread isn't about custom poses but this is the only place I have found with active people who know what they are doing. I created a model in blender using Macser's blender animation rig which looks like this: Ported into object creator and it looks like this: I essentially hijack your config file: I just changed the file directory to my custom RTM. When I load it up in game by putting this command in the unit init: Testsoldier switchMove "relax_1"; Testsoldier disableAI "anim" It looks like this: What part am I doing wrong?
  20. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    All I need at the moment is a couple of static poses for a few screenshots. The main problem I'm having now is I have no idea how to get and rtm file into the game and put onto an AI? Even Bohemias main page about this is completely useless: I just don't know where to even look, all the guides I found are massively outdated. What I mean't by your voice in the video is that it sounds like it's been sped up 100x or something. The first part is fine but in the second half it's impossible to understand due to that weird effect... As far as teaching goes, you have been by far the most helpful person I have found! You have managed to get me most of the way to getting these models working which I am very grateful for, I just need to know how to get these models into the game and working... EDIT: Tried following this guide: http://www.aos.armaholic.eu/tutorial2.html Where he has a list of files that should be in the pbo, I'm missing his 'Data' folder. No idea where to get that. When I pack it and move it into the addons folder I can't find it anywhere in the editor so I'm assuming it hasn't worked... Is that guide too outdated to be useful?
  21. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Using the a3skeleton.p3d from this page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Modding_Characters It's difficult to follow the video because the voice isn't understandable in the second half and you already have the file loaded into O2. For a beginner (and I mean, totally new) it's difficult to follow along when steps like that are missed out. I have tried looking for other videos explaining how to do it but they are few and far between. Most are not about charater models and the ones that are usually use a completely different method from 5 years ago... Just tried re-loading it and now it seems to be working? at least it looks like the mesh isn't distorted...
  22. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    File dropper doesn't seem to be working... Could you upload it to mediafire or something? and yeh, that 'fixed' model still doesn't look quite right
  23. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Ok managed to get it working, was using a broken model now I've managed to get this: I know this isn't strictly to do with your work, but would someone be able to explain how I get this pose onto an AI in the actual game? Super nooby question I know but I can't find any guides on how to actually do this :/
  24. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Yep finally managed to import the models but now a model like this: Imports to look like this: What am I doing wrong this time?
  25. Barney626

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Now I just get this error: Steps I'm doing (probably doing something wrong): Load model that comes in your zip file: Go to export menu and click export with these settings: Try to import the file into object creator using 'Universal Bistudio TXT' (file doesn't appear with any other importing option) and get the error shown at the start of the post.