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About gszeus

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  1. Hi all. A quick one on the AAA and SAM batteries for the ship. How can I spawn them to make them usable ? I have them in the mission file atm but they do nothing and you cannot take ownership etc.. Any advice appreciated. I am wondering if it's the type of objects I am loading. Maybe they are not usable or something.. type="B_SAM_System_01_F"; type="B_SAM_System_02_F"; type="B_AAA_System_01_F"; Zeus
  2. Sorry Roy was away for a few days. I too would like to say thanks for the work you did on this. Updated the server code as above and Catapults now working perfectly. Thanks again for your help Zeus
  3. Hi all. Yeah glad its all of us having the problem. I did restart my sever and checked it again. One thing i did notice is when i stand on the ship and try and spawn a plane with infistar it just falls through the ship as if its not there. I wonder if that is part of the problem too. Not infistar but the ship itself and the way its spawning in the world ? Zeus
  4. Hi Roy86 I was looking through the editor and see several functions including one called carrier01Init. which says the following " Description: - This is a main function designed to assemble dynamic aircraft carrier. Carrier consists of multiple sub-objects that are linked together based on precise memory point positions in 3D space. " Some other functions appear in there too. But no idea how to get them to work. Zeus Just to add. spawning the ship in the editor and putting a plane on it works. So does the scripts for launching the plane with the catapults . So guess I need to add the functions somehow ?
  5. Hi Roy86, would you know if the catapult system works on this ship as per using the code we spoke about above? I have landed a fighter on the ship and it does appear the cables do slow you down. But when i drive the plane to the start of the catapult it gives me no options to attach or launch with it. Also the weapon systems do not appear on the ship. am I meant to be adding them separately? Zeus
  6. Just confirming . Works well.. Landed on the ship. Went inside all good. Thanks again for the code. Zeus
  7. Fantastic .. Thanks Roy86, I will try this in a few mins and restart the server and see what happens. Will keep you posted. Thanks again. Zeus
  8. Hi Tried some variations to that code to get the USS Freedom carrier to spawn on a Wasteland Server. Gives me errors. I tried adding it to init.sqf Tried this if (isServer) then { private _carrier = createVehicle ["Land_Carrier_01_base_F",[11244.858,11248.437,0],[],0,"NONE"]; _carrier setPosWorld; _carrier setDir; [_carrier] call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; }; and this with co-ordinates. if (isServer) then { private _carrier = createVehicle ["Land_Carrier_01_base_F",[11244.858,11248.437,0],[],0,"NONE"]; _carrier setPosWorld [11244.858,11248.437,0]; _carrier setDir [0,5.5152407,0]; [_carrier] call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; }; Am i missing something .Are co-ordinates in wrong format ? Thanks in advance Zeus
  9. gszeus

    New Map : GOS Al Rayak

    Yeah buddy.. Guess so.. I have got it working quite well.. just a bit of a perfectionist. Wanted to move some items. Looks good though. Working well too. Cheers Zeus
  10. gszeus

    New Map : GOS Al Rayak

    Hi Makhno. Have been playing on your Al Rayak map for a while now. Nice map if I may say, thanks very much for your hard work on this. Was hoping to fix a few things. Road issues. Buildings etc.. Are you working on this any more. Or have you moved on to new pastures? Is there any way I can do some of the fixes. Any advice is appreciated. Zeus