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Everything posted by Alpine_gremlin

  1. Alpine_gremlin

    Check Distance

    Hey guys! So I`m just trying to run a simple check to see if the player is a certain distance from a building: _playerPos = position player; _nearestBuilding = nearestBuilding player; _meters = _playerPos distance _nearestBuilding; if (_meters < 6.5) then { systemChat format ["%1 is inside", name player]; sleep 0.1; }; Unfortunately nothing shows up in system chat and I get no error messages. I executed the script from init.sqf. Anyone have an idea what I`m missing? EDIT: When called from a radio trigger while conditions are met, the message pops up. However I would like the script to run continually and show the text when conditions are actively met.
  2. Alpine_gremlin

    Check Distance

    Thanks guys! I got it to work perfectly!
  3. Alpine_gremlin

    [Question] ACE Damage

    Will do. Cheers!
  4. Hello guys. I wasn`t sure whether to put this into the editing and scripting section or here. I opted for here. I`m making a mission using ACE and I would like to place a large amount of enemies. To balance this I would like to decrease the amount of damage that incoming projectiles do to the players and their vehicles. I was wondering where I could go in order to adjust these damage coefficients. The standard ArmA scripts and event handlers such as "Handle Damage" don`t seem to work with ACE enabled. I know that ACE is modular. I am also aware that it is possible to adjust things like G-force through simple variable commands. I was wondering if the same is possible with damage taken. Any help would be appreciated! Cheers!
  5. Alpine_gremlin

    Decrease Damage Dealt to Players?

    Thanks so much for the tips! As a newbie I appreciate all the advice.
  6. Alpine_gremlin

    Decrease Damage Dealt to Players?

    That works! Thank you!
  7. Alpine_gremlin

    Create an Object at the Player`s Cursor?

    Cheers! And thank you for the tip!
  8. Good morning guys! I was wondering if there was a command that I could use along with createVehicle in order to have an object spawn where a player places their cursor. "Position player" works well enough but I was wondering if there was a more precise command. Any help would be appreciated! Cheers!
  9. Alpine_gremlin

    Create an Object at the Player`s Cursor?

    Works like a charm! Thanks, boss! Just one additional question: Do you happen to know what I could use to spawn the object at a normal angle (or any other angle) relative to the player`s direction?
  10. Hello guys. So I`ve already made a post about a separate script that I am working on but since I am still a scrub when it comes to writing my own scripts, I am having trouble with this simple one. All it does is create a sandbag wall at the player`s position after five seconds and is called via the AddAction menu. I get the "error missing )" message at line 7. Could anyone tell me where the problem might be? Am I using the sleep command properly? hint "Building Sandbag..."; sleep 5; _time = 5; if (time = 5) then { _newWall = "Land_BagFenceShort" createVehicle (position player); hint "Sandbag built!"; }; EDIT: I changed time = 5 to _time = 5 and am still getting the same error.
  11. Alpine_gremlin

    [SOLVED] Help with Simple Sandbag Script

    Ah okay! Thank you!
  12. Alpine_gremlin

    [SOLVED] Help with Simple Sandbag Script

    Oh just one more question: Since it is a multiplayer mission, I would like avoiding broadcasting the hint to everyone except the one player using the addaction at that time (everyone has the option to build). Would you happen to know how I could do this since I`m not using triggers?
  13. Hey guys so I`m just getting back into scripting missions again. I`m really not that great but I am trying create a script for an IFA3 scenario where the player can call in a P-39 Airacobra for two bombing missions. The plane would ideally spawn in, attack the AO, then leave and despawn. The script is to be called via a radio trigger. I can`t seem to get it to work. Would any of you much more experienced lads be willing to take a look? Cheers! // Check if maximum CAS missions have already been called. if (counter <=2) then { _plane = createVehicle ["LIB_US_P39", getMarkerPos("p39_spawn"), [], 0, "FLY"]; _pilot = [[11301.808, 36955.238, 0.265], IND_F, ["LIB_US_pilot"], [], [], [], [], [], 232] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; ((units _pilot) select 0) moveInDriver _plane; _wpcas = _pilot addWaypoint [getMarkerPos("bomb_run"), 0]; _wpcas setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _wpcas setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wpcas setWaypointCompletionRadius 1500; curator1 addCuratorEditableObjects [[_plane, true]; _wpcas1 = _pilot addWaypoint [getMarkerPos ("p39_spawn"), 0]; _wpcas setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _wpcas setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wpcas setWaypointCompletionRadius 1500; _planegone = deleteVehicle _plane; counter = counter + 1; [resistance, "HQ"] sideChat "Aircraft Returning to Rearm. Additional CAS mission available in 10 minutes."; sleep 36000; }else { hint "Command is unable to provide any further CAS missions!"; };
  14. Alpine_gremlin

    CAS Script for IFA3

    Okay! The plane at least spawns in now though it doesn`t follow any of the waypoints that I assigned. I`ll keep looking for what I`m missing!
  15. Alpine_gremlin

    CAS Script for IFA3

    Okay I have cleaned everything up a bit and deleted some extra code that was not needed. The classname and spawn position both work. However... counter = 0; // Check if maximum CAS missions have already been called. if (counter <= 2) then { _grp_P39 = [getMarkerPos "p39_spawn", IND_F, ["LIB_US_P39"], [], [], [], [], [], 10] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp_cas = _grp_P39 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos("bomb_run1"), 0]; _wp_cas setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp_cas setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _wp_cas setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp_cas setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; _plane = vehicle leader _grp_P39; _wp_cas1 = _grp_P39 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos ("p39_spawn"), 0]; _wp_cas1 setWaypointCompletionRadius 150; _planespawn { sleep 1; waitUntil {_this distance getMarkerPos "p39_spawn" < 100 && count waypoints group driver _plane < 2}; _plane deleteVehicleCrew driver _plane; deleteVehicle _plane; }; counter = counter + 1; [resistance, "HQ"] sideChat "Aircraft Returning to Rearm. Additional CAS mission available in 10 minutes."; sleep 36000; }else { hint "Command is unable to provide any further CAS missions!"; }; I`m a bit confused on the portion that despawns the plane and crew. Since I am using a marker and no longer map coordinates, I have also adjusted the "_planespawn" portion. I get the "error missing ;" here so I`m assuming I wrote something incorrectly.
  16. Alpine_gremlin

    CAS Script for IFA3

    I really appreciate the time that you`re taking to help me! Taking your corrections into account, this is what I have: counter = 0; // Check if maximum CAS missions have already been called. if (counter <= 2) then { _grp_P39 = [[11301.808, 36955.238,150], IND_F, ["LIB_US_P39"], [], [], [], [], [], 232] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp_cas = _grp_P39 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos("bomb_run1"), 0]; _wp_cas setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp_cas setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _wp_cas setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp_cas setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; _plane = vehicle leader _grp_P39; curator1 addCuratorEditableObjects [[_plane], true]; _wp_cas1 = _pilot addWaypoint [getMarkerPos ("p39_spawn"), 0]; _wp_cas1 setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _wp_cas1 setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp_cas1 setWaypointCompletionRadius 1500; _planespawn { sleep 1; waitUntil {_this distance 11301.808, 36955.238, 150] <100 && count waypoints group driver _plane < 2}; _plane deleteVehicleCrew driver _plane; deleteVehicle _plane; }; counter = counter + 1; [resistance, "HQ"] sideChat "Aircraft Returning to Rearm. Additional CAS mission available in 10 minutes."; sleep 36000; }else { hint "Command is unable to provide any further CAS missions!"; }; Unlike my first attempt, I get no error messages when I activate the script, but the aircraft doesn`t appear to spawn in. I will keep trying!
  17. Alpine_gremlin

    CAS Script for IFA3

    Thanks for the reply! I will give this a try tomorrow. Yes I defined counter as true in the init.sqf and then set counter = 0. I probably did that wrong though :/
  18. Hello guys. I hope that all is well. I am trying to create a mission using the Iron Front mod and would like to use a P-47 Thunderbolt as the CAS aircraft. Unfortunately when I try to place the class name of the plane into the "vehicle types" the game gives me the unrecognized variable error. As an alternative I tried placing the plane on the map and syncing all the modules up. The plane makes the attack run but never actually releases its payload. Would anyone happen to have a solution? Any tips would be appreciated! Thank you!
  19. Alpine_gremlin

    Editor based AI spawn by trigger

    Thanks guys! Awesome work Murk! I get undefined variables when implement this script, but it doesn`t actually seem to affect its ability to be carried out. Cheers!
  20. Alpine_gremlin

    DMC Air Patrol

    I`m way late to the party, but is it possible to use this script to spawn in jets? It works with Vanilla and even modded helos, but jets don`t seem to appear.