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P. Niels

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  1. P. Niels

    Unable to find my team server

    I'm having these issues right now. I bought the game last week during the steam wintersale, but I haven't gotten it to work a single time. I immediately joined a unit because I didn't want to play alone, but I have just been missing out on playing with them, because I severely underestimated the time it would take to fix my game. I tried everything there is to try and nothing has worked so far. I can see a decent amount of servers when I wait, like 900 or something, but I just cant seem to find their server. I know it's working and I know that I have the right IP and name but I just can't find it. When I direct connnect from the launcher it launches the game but then it just stops doing stuff and keeps showing a black screen. And when I direct connect in the game the guys from the unit say that it should show you the server but I don't see anything. I left my client open for a few hours and it still didn't show so it's not slow internet or whatever. This is annoying, and Bohemia and Battleye aren't responding to my support tickets :/ I tried like "using" the official servers and then direct connecting but I have no idea what that actually means. And I tried googleing OVH but nothing Arma or game related showed up. If you guys please could explain what you meant I would be very grateful :)
  2. P. Niels

    Can't join any server

    I think I have the exact same issue and have also send a report to Bohemia and battleye a few days ago and also haven't gotten a response. I tried every possible thing you can do to fix it, and it's still fucked.