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About MrBonesWildRide

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    Private First Class

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  1. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Says the fanboy who got caught off guard when he was compared to a public relations representative. Tell me, friendo, how exactly is ArmA3 meant to be played? PS - If you bothered reading the thread you would notice I came here not knowing KOTH was a mod, that I acknowleged some of those bugs are on the KOTH team, and that I even made a thread on their forum. Work on communication PR guy, telling someone they should be grateful for something is a good way to piss them off.
  2. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Grateful for what? I didn't buy the DLCs because I wanted them, I bought them to make the game fair for me. Fair so I could pick up weapon drops after a bug eats my weapon on revive. This is the literal definition of extortion, and I hope BIS is paying attention. That's not how you keep a customer happy, or loyal, and brand loyalty, especially in gaming, is what sinks or keeps a ship afloat. There will always be the next big thing around the corner, especially in FPS, especially when people are sick and tired of EA/Activision shenanigans, so BIS should try and keep the grass looking greenest on their side of the yard. Also you should probably stop acting like a PR rep for BIS, you're literally channeling customer frustration on their brand.
  3. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    While you're right, I still think the armor bonus is negligible, especially if you're using anything over 5.56, although they should improve the armor stats on other teams, especially since armor does play a major role in pistol combat. I still maintain that the only reason people stack OP4 is because they have the greatest chance of winning matches. I've been trying to figure this out myself, and I think this might be an engine issue. Some line of code is lost on a revive respawn. KOTH devs have been working on this bug for over 6 months now. It really makes me wonder. Agreed, but BIS should use a better system of encouraging new players to purchase DLCs. A pop up ad is probably the worst thing they can do, and it almost makes me want to put a team together and create an adblock mod. It's really ridiculous how deadly fire is in this game.
  4. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Well then KOTH really shouldn't implement DLC weapons or at least divide the servers into DLC and non-DLC versions, and BIS shouldn't implement cheap tricks to force people to buy their DLCs. Anyways since BIS started a 50% sale I just picked up the DLC bundle and Apex to kill this buggy feature in their game. But the fact remains, for non-DLC owners there's a blue pop up in the middle of the game... Seriously, that's adware tier stuff, and denying the fact makes you seem like a BIS sales rep.
  5. MrBonesWildRide

    Unplayable multiplayer on decent/high end rig

    Can confirm, jumped up 5 FPS doing this. Still haven't OC'd the i7 though. Still putting that off...
  6. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Agree, however also disagree. KOTH is kind of too big to fail. The frustration players experience playing that game mode reflects on Arma 3 as a whole. Take me for example, when I made this post I had no idea I was playing a mod. I thought this was Arma 3 issues. Your regular player wont go harassing two message boards trying to get to the bottom of who is to blame for this and that, he will simply put down the game and move on to something more user friendly which translates to lost business in the long run. The two teams should definitely coordinate some efforts to iron out the issues. It's a win/win situation, BIS makes more money, and the KOTH team gets to put stuff on their resume, maybe even go on to work for BIS. As for the "disappearing weapon" bug, I still don't have a clear answer on whose fault that is. Paywall is essentially BIS for the way it's implemented with blue pop-ups of death. KOTH team could however iron out the issue by finding a solution to allow only DLC owners to purchase DLC weapons in game and let everyone pick them up off of dead bodies, then run a post game advertisement like they currently do to purchase the DLC. This would be the ideal solution. Getting burned by invisible fire is definitely on BIS. Team balance is definitely on the KOTH team. Essentially this, the least they can do is work in close coordination with the KOTH team to try and address the issues that ~20% of their player base have to deal with. Not all of us fancy RPG mods. A vast majority of us are players who crossed over from Battlefield after EA stopped supporting mods.
  7. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Nope, closest thing I could find linked to their work was this website: http://www.armakoth.com/index.html Will definitely crosspost this thread. Thank you. Link to crosspost: https://forums.arma.su/forum/main-category/main-forum/king-of-the-hill/45028-common-arma3-koth-issues
  8. Restart Arma. It's literally the only thing that works.
  9. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Furthermore you stated, "but is that a problem for anything besides KOTH?" Currently there are 2144 players playing on the top 20 servers of Arma 3. Of these 502 are playing KOTH. This translates to 23.4% of the player base from a sample size of 20. The majority of the rest, 1126, or 52.5%, are playing the Altis Life RPG. While most the remaining 24.1% are playing another form of RPG. My point is that KOTH is a very popular game mode and you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss it.
  10. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Once again, I AGREE that having DLC weapons is annoying and they should be removed! 1. You can't pick up 3/4ths of the dropped weapons. 2. You can't pick back up your own weapons. 3. You can't see which weapons are DLC in the menu when you buy them. SO YES, I AGREE, KILL THE LOOPHOLE AND GET RID OF THEM! Either that or make them only available for purchase if you own the corresponding DLC but allow people to loot them from bodies, without the annoying pop ups, which I frankly feel is a very cheap way of annoying people into to purchasing them and gives others an unfair advantage. This also really doesn't look good for BIS when you factor in the weapon disappearing bug, that's when it really feels like a cheap gimmick into forcing people to purchase the DLCs out of sheer frustration in probably the most popular multiplayer game mode next to the RP one.
  11. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Frankly I'm all for that, but how can you say that crashed helicopters burning you from behind a wall isn't a BI issue? That or the disappearing weapon glitch on revives or the fact your fire selector defaults to semi after a revive? I suppose server balance and the incorporation of DLC weapons can be blamed on KOTH devs, but the fact that you get a glitchy advert while using DLC weapons is definitely on the guy who coded that in, is it not?
  12. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Ah, definitely the wrong section then. Where do we go to talk bugs in the current version of the game? Got one more to add to that list of mine, fire selector resetting to default (semi-auto) after a revive.
  13. MrBonesWildRide

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Unsure, I suppose team balancing would be a server-side issue, but being burned from behind walls, weapons disappearing after revives, and literally annoying popups would be a build issue? This is the section of the forum where we yell at devs about bugs, right?
  14. MrBonesWildRide

    Unplayable multiplayer on decent/high end rig

    Was hoping to avoid overclocking because well, I never done that before. I'll try the other stuff.
  15. MrBonesWildRide

    Unplayable multiplayer on decent/high end rig

    30 FPS is when I'm standing still. 24 as soon as I turn or have to move. You ever set up an ambush at 24 FPS? Everyone sees you before you see them.