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Everything posted by Irkutsk86

  1. @noelite Hi. Is there map_configs for dms ?
  2. Hi, can I go into more detail? And then when I try to do as you described, I get an error in my logs
  3. Hi, the links are not working.
  4. Irkutsk86

    Livionia Loot File

  5. Irkutsk86

    Kick off exil key

    Server key: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/o2jz1lqeqmfojbe/exile.bikey Mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1487484880
  6. Another version of the loot items are not from me https://sqfbin.com/afujadiwaqokixivinov https://pastebin.com/MtTZ0axK
  7. Irkutsk86

    Vehicle Repair Script

    Hey. Yes there is a working script repair of vehicles. If I certainly correctly understood the question ) https://www.exilemod.com/topic/20311-release-exilemod-re-armrepair-new-release-160918/?tab=comments#comment-144032 https://github.com/Bones50/Advanced-Vehicle-Service-Centre